Which green next? Overwhelmed by great options

Poll below, welcome advice too! And if you think any 3* should be first, please comment!

Green is definitely my best color, both in what I have now and what is in the roster. Costumed Lady of the Lake is my first fully ascended 5* and I have Hansel, C-Melendor, & C-Caedmon ascended 4* (and C-Kashrek as an early 4* at 3/70). For 3*, I have Faeiz, Brienne, Belith, Ishtar, & Gnomer ascended (and when I decide to do some more 3* ascensions, probably Noril next but also have Dolgoon, Grevle, By-Ulf, C-Mnessus, Muggy & Hisan). C-Drake Fong is my only other ascended 5* (working on Khufu) and I have 2-4 completed 4* in all colors plus 5-7 3* in each color.

Now trying to decide who next, whether 4* or 5* … what say you?

  • 5- Eiora & Fluffy
  • 5- Frigg
  • 4- Wren
  • 4- C-Gadeirus
  • 4- Kalo
  • 4- Marcel
  • 4- Orla
  • 4- Tettukh
  • 4- Jack O’Hare
  • 4- Peters
  • 4- Skittleskull
  • 4- Little John

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