WHEN SUDDENLY...! Add the Next Line - A story written by Our Community 📖

Toxicandra purred as she faced the group.

“Maybe you all don’t know… but I was based on… a venus flytrap.”

Vines shot out from Toxicandra and wrapped everyone up except Photon!

“You’re in MY power now,” Toxicandra cackled. “You fell into my trap!”


But … were her vines loosening? Why?

Toxicandra saw Belith stroll into the scene, her calming mist just everywhere.

No, no, no, no, no!

Toxicandra tried to seethe, her anger struggling to surface. Instead, her lips curled into a sweet smile.

The horror!

Even @Photon looked confused. “You ok Toxi?”

“I’m, I’m …” Toxicandra blinked back tears. She wanted to say–

“How dare you bring that 3-star trollop here!”

Instead, she said–

“Let’s be friends, Belith!”

Toxicandra nearly fainted from embarrassment. What kind of evil mist did Belith have?

Then she felt all her villainy slipping away. She dropped @sleepyhead and @nevarmaor, both of them landing on Hu Tao, who accidentally flattened Proteus. He waved his white hanky in surrender.

@sft1965 dropped too, landing just like Black Widow, cool as ever. He flipped his hair and said–


“Did you see me, Sonya?”

“Oh yes @sft1965 ,” smiled Sonya. “That was really cool! You looked great doing that!”

Toxicandra wanted to say, “Get a room you two, ugh!” But instead what came out was, “I think you look absolutely sweet together!”

She stamped her foot angrily, and her vines all shook. Belith just smiled at her evilly. “Oh yes Toxicandra, you’re so… nice!”

Toxicandra turned positively bright red.

@Photon scratched his head. “This is so… not like you!”

Toxicandra elbowed him in the ribs. “Oh, what a nice compliment, Photon!”

Proteus gave Belith a high five. “I fought alongside you a lot when Sleepyhead was just starting out… glad to see your dispel works excellently, still!”

“Yes,” Sleepyhead came over. “That’s also why you’re still one of my premier 3*s…”

Belith smiled, and…


Dispelled everyone!

@Photon gasped as his wallet evaporated … turning him FTP.

“Nooooooooo!” wailed Toxicandra. “How will you buy me those green aethers?”

“Don’t worry!” @sleepyhead chuckled. “You can still have fun!”

“Will you have fun …” @nevarmaor whipped out a mirror. “Without your fabulous hair?”

“My scalp is beautiful–” growled @sleepyhead. “But it’s not the same!”

Sonya squinted at @nevarmaor. “At least you still have your six-pack!”

“But not your roster!” @sft1965 jumped wildly, avoiding the dispell. “Your 5-stars have become Dawas!”

Hu Tao sipped his smoothie. “I feel the same.”

“Except you just made 10 new smoothies while doing cartwheels!” @sft1965 hollered. “She dispelled your slow speed and gave you moves.”

“Belith!” @sleepyhead yelled. “I need my hair!”

“Not again!” gasped Proteus. “Take cover!”

Indeed, Belith cast another dispell. This time it …


… was blocked by Brynhild!

The valkyrie smiled as she faced Belith. “Nice try, horned one…”

“You bully, just because you’re a 4* and I’m a 5*,” Belith tsked. “But I have my big sister here…”

Costume Sabina stepped out and handed Belith her (Belith’s) own costume!

“Now, it’s war,” C-Sabina said, pulling out her sword.


“Wars are not pretty.” Photon said. “But little do they know, I still have money.” “Shall I be a pain and step in?” Garnet asked. “Not yet. Even though I just summoned you, I still don’t have Cobalt or Onyx yet. Plus, you’re not fully leveled yet.”

Garnet groaned. But, another woman stepped in. “Ah, Elizabeth.” Photon said. Everyone stopped and saw the woman. “We have to deal with her now?” @akionna asked. “Don’t we see enough of her?”

“Just don’t tempt Elizabeth. Her fiends can be a royal pain.” @nevarmaor said.


“How exciting!” Myztero peeked around the corner. “May I join?”

“I guess.” Sonya frowned at him. “But what do you do?”

“Exactly!” Myztero twirled dramatically. “I’m a mystery!”

“Look …” Sonya muttered. “She dumped a bucket of spiders on @nevarmaor.”

“I wanna learn that!” Myztero studied Elizabeth carefully. “Did you see @Photon’s shoes?”

“Are they armored boots?” Sonya whispered.

“He’s hiding bitcoin there!” Myztero took off his shoes, wiggling his toes. “Me too!”

“Whoa!” Sonya chuckled. “He’s rich! He doesn’t need a wallet.”

“You want horns like Belith?” Myztero asked.

“OMG no!” Sonya gasped. “What Paladin wears horns?”

“Heimdall?” Myztero murmured.

“He’s a bit slow …” Sonya sighed.

“Baldy is cute!” Myztero pointed to @sleepyhead. “Can you introduce me?”

“No!” Sonya groaned. “The Harem is at full capacity. Plus the waiting list is insane.”

“Are you guys done gossiping?” @sft1965 jumped in. “It’s all out war!”

“I’m learning skills!” Myztero grinned. “Watch this!”

Spiders rained on Elizabeth … and only Elizabeth. She ran way shrieking, swatting at the furry fiends.

Myztero laughed. “What should I do next?”


Belith and C-Sabina seized the moment. “Get them!” they both yelled, pointing at Toxicandra and Brynhild!

“What?!” both Toxicandra and Brynhild yelled.

Myztero smiled, and…


… Cast his special and nothing happened except for…

@sleepyhead exclaiming, “I have my beautiful black hair back again. Cop that Colen!”).

@sft1965 says “Brynhild is an RNG devil”

“I have become even more beautiful” reflects @akionna . “I didn’t know that was possible?”

Toxiandra is turning positively red with raging fire in her eyes…

@Photon are you a whale or a Baltic dioxin contaminated sardine, are you able to grow a spine?”

@Photon is struggling…

Belith whispers to @sft1965, “would you like a ‘walk’ in the forest? I can change my costume just for you”. :wink:

Myztero is horrified. “This was not part of the plan…”

@nevarmaor just throws up his hands (Canadians insist on being OTT PC)


@sft1965 took Belith’s arm and guided her toward the path into the forest. “You know, I always liked your costume. Red becomes you. Did you know Uluru has a reddish hue to it?” Belith sashayed along, tittering like a schoolgirl.

Myztero raised his arms and glared at the couple, ready to cast another learned spell.

Just then, Hu Tao staggered mid-move and fell into Myztero. “Has it been three moves already?” he asked.

Myztero fell awkwardly to his side, casting his spell wildly towards …


… Elizabeth!

Even more spiders rained on her!

“What is happening?!” she screeched. But every time she moved, even more spiders fell down!

“Ugh!” Proteus shuddered. “Such crepey-crawlies!”


“Hmmm, I wonder …” muttered Hu Tao speculatively, slowly pulling out his trusty blender. “Are spiders considered animal or plant?”

“ANIMAL” everyone yelled as one.

“Don’t even think about it” added a distant voice.

All turned towards the voice, then looked up, way up.

“Umm, is that what I think it is?” asked @sleepyhead quietly.

“Yeah…” replied @Photon. “Chaos Spider!”


“Bummer.” Hu Tao frowned into his blender. “Chaos Spider won’t fit.”

“Don’t do it!” Proteus shuddered, even as Hu Tao poured a bucket of oil.

But Hu Tao wasn’t listening. He adjusted the heat and carefully dropped a batch of furry fiends in.

“Is that a deep fryer?” shrieked Chaos Spider from far away.

“Let’s add a Baltic sardine.” Hu Tao looked around.

“Stay away from @Photon!” screeched Toxicandra.

“It looks delicious and crispy!” @sleepyhead watched Hu Tao season the spider snack.

“Will that taste good with maple syrup?” @nevarmaor asked.

“Belith, I have enjoyed our forest stroll …” @sft1965 pointed to the sky. “But Chaos Spider is here! And she brought her friends!”


A thundering of hooves could be heard in the distance, and from a huge cloud of dust emerged a horse with a giant horn on its forehead.

“Ooh!” purred Sonya, approaching the new arrival rapturously. “Anyone have a carrot? Hu Tao?”

A gust of wind suddenly appeared from another direction and a flying feathered monstrosity appeared with a distinctive morning call we all know and despise.

“All of a sudden I have a craving for Special K” exclaimed @nevarmaor. “With maple syrup.”

Last but not least, a massive roaring could be heard and a striped feline shape appeared before everyone’s eyes … well, all but the red heroes anyway. The reflection was blinding them.


“Rainbow Sprinkles!” Hu Tao smiled, as he pulled whole carrots from his pockets.

“He’s so sweet!” Sonya rubbed his nose, feeding the giant Thunder Unicorn its snack.

“Is that Rare Titan … nuzzling you?” gasped Proteus.

“She has tamed the beast!” laughed @sleepyhead.

“These crunchy fiends aren’t too bad …” muttered @Photon.

“It tastes like chicken!” @sft1965 nibbled on a spider leg.

“I take offense to that!” The Dragon Rooster roared.

“I forgot about you.” Hu Tao eyed the giant feathery beast. “I need the Super Daddy XL fryer.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” shrieked the Titan. “What about the stupid cat?”

“Hey!” hissed the Ancient Tiger. “I can EAT you!”

@nevarmaor ate his cereal while the Rare Titans bickered. Carefully he drizzled maple syrup over the cornflakes. He would have taken his next bite, except someone bumped into him, and his fancy breakfast splattered everywhere.

Everyone gasped. It was dangerous times ahead.

Now @nevarmaor was mad.




'WHO DARES?" spluttered an enraged @nevarmaor, rising to his feet, fists clenching and unclenching fitfully, ripples running up and down his six-pack.

Mila fainted at the sight.

“I am so dreadfully sorry, dear sir. Let me clean this up for you and replace that delicious-looking repast you were so obviously enjoying.”

Nevarmaor started to turn towards the voice.

“Don’t look! Don’t look!” screamed Proteus, his hanky up before his eyes. “You’ll turn to stone!”


@nevarmaor paused, staring at Proteus. The Atlantis hero was afraid of everything. Besides, what could possibly turn him to stone? It’s not like Medusa was here.

Except she was.

“Avoid her eyes man!” @Photon yelled.

But @nevarmaor was stubborn. He stared at the monster before him, unafraid, even as he felt stone taking over his body.

“Excuse me?” The Gorgon Queen floated into the scene. “You’re stealing my spotlight.”

“So many snakes!” gasped @sleepyhead.

“Should we fry them up?” Hu Tao prepared tempura batter. “I have unagi sauce somewhere …”

“I was here first!” Medusa stomped her foot, snakes swirling everywhere.

“Go find a Greek tragedy somewhere else!” The Gorgon Queen loomed overhead. “Helsinki might need you.”

While the Gorgons argued, @sft1965 heated the maple syrup in the microwave. Could he use it to save @nevarmaor?


“I think the only way to save @nevarmaor is to defeat the Gorgons.” Photon said. “But how do we do that?” @akionna asked.

“This here thing us a nature element. And what’s powerful against nature?” “Oh, so you’re saying that we should nail this titan?” @akionna said. “Exactly. Also, I been wanting to test her out.” Photon said and summoned forth Wilbur, Boldtusk, 2 Scarletts, and Yang Mai.

“Why does one of your Scarletts feel like she’s stronger than she should?” @sleepyhead asked. “That’s because I gave her some Aethers.” Photon answered.


“No, don’t say that word!” Proteus and Sleepyhead said in unison. Proteus shivered, and Sleepyhead ran to comfort him. “There, there, that scary women won’t… oh %&#(@(.”

The creepy Popeye-Armed woman appeared!