What's the craziest drama you made/or witnessed in your actual/previous alliances

I do believe you have told that story in this very thread. I read it earlier today :sweat_smile:


Sure did :joy:

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@Dyna49 @Pr0spero oh dear, Iā€™ve failed the repetitiveness audit! What a nice thing to wake up to, some light yet still annoying teasing from you Two. Again, not unexpected, but still not not annoying. :wink: after all, after 5 years on the forum, Iā€™ll be kind to myself and allow myself the occasional repeated retelling.

ah or maybe itā€™s another sign Iā€™ve been here too long. Iā€™m turning into a forgetful old fuddy duddy. I should use my memory and brain cells for more important things.

Thanks, definitely cements my decision to be less active :wink:

Iā€™ll see you two nitpickers much less :wink:

Maybe itā€™ll be best to delete this second retelling, after all, wouldnā€™t want the post to be merged away :wink:

(Oh what a nice example of forum drama instead of ally drama ! :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Im 45 and this is me 100%.

I can no longer recall what things I have told people and having caught myself repeating things so often, im now more hesitant to say things at all (just in case).

Problem is, my job requires me to talk all day long :rofl:


No @sleepyhead ā€¦ you are good.

I just got an inactivity email from the forum service. And then I wound up here after some forum cruising.


I remember when you were seriously thinking about leaving the forum. It was right after @TGW passed away sadly.

Donā€™t listen to the trolls.

Anyhow ,ā€¦ back to topic.

I know my (former) alliance is still active. Donā€™t know about the other ones. Yes there was many before I just made my solo one.

Craziest weirdnessā€¦ a couple ā€œguysā€ or whoever they were. They merced a 8* titan with us. Many many alliances ago. Drunk off their a**, or whatnot. They come & merc & then they leave. Very weird, short, random!

No way in he-double - hockey - sticks, did I stay in that alliance for very long ha ha :joy:

Oh Iā€™ve got stories of real life intimidations that I am not going to share here. Letā€™s just say I have made people pretty angry/ cry / I donā€™t give a flippinā€™ hoot. & leave it at that.

Geeez. Global chat?!? Who would even go there hah hah. Someone on this forum (donā€™t know who), said they would rather bleach their eyes out than go on global chat.

Anyway I was cruising the inappropriate ads thread alsoā€¦ there are 3 levels of ads now? These are a thing?!? Why would you play this game in a public spaceā€¦ the heck :joy::sweat_smile::joy:

Lol lol lol :money_mouth_face: for Zynga. Your bad you clicked on the ads.

Oops hah hah.

Anyway hope things are okay @sleepyhead. Yes I know I tagged twice.

Still a guild leader in another game, doing good over here, take care OK,

Flip you autocorrect.

Going to cruise some more topics,


I would not say this is dramaā€¦ But alliance war is def the one creating many conflicts within allianceā€¦

Participation rate is easy and straight forward to fix, but other issues including lack of attack coordination, picking the wrong team/clean, failed clean etc. are creating so much conflict and tension in my previous and current alliance from time to time. Some players then will say nasty words before rage quit and leaveā€¦

It is about expectation managementā€¦ Some players are more serious while others are more laid back and relaxed in their approach towards E&P.

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Yep @KeeSnow. Thatā€™s what happens when 30 random people are thrown together.

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Reply to self, I knowā€¦

My 15-man guild (another game) is absolutely flippinā€™ CRUSHING its targets since I was made leader.

I donā€™t know any of them IRL & I could not care less.

I want to invite people I know but everyone is busy which is fine.

I have a life too.

Time for me to crash lol lol :zzz:


That brought back a faint memory of a player who used a mono team to clean a theoretically easy clean: tank gone, one flank gone, other flank weakened.

Logic dictates anything than a mono or 4-1. 3-1-1 at worst or 2-2-1 or even rainbow.

Player must have used what he could put together by then (tail end of war): his guesstimate of best chance or maybe all that he could possibly use by then.

Clean failed big time. It bombed actually.

Leaders asked for details. Player replied that he used mono and board was bad.

Leaders went ballistic. Other spectators commented that mono was a dumb choice. Some of the comments were cruel. I add myself in that group of spectators, because I didnā€™t stop to think about the possible reasons.

Player was f2p, I think. He would have had his difficulties roster-wise.

He should have communicated his constraints at least. He didnā€™t.

Another flag used to clean. Success.

But that episode left a sour note in that alliance for that war. Canā€™t remember if we lost or won. That doesnā€™t matter now.

I learnt from that episode. To ask or check first, and not assume.


Yeah @BlackZed I read your reply.

I hear you. Over the dogs outside that sound like theyā€™re dying :roll_eyes::joy::roll_eyes:. Not mine.

I mean really people ?!?

Yeah Iā€™m F2P also but at least I didnā€™t war until my former alliance. I was too worried Iā€™d screw up. Lol I absolutely annihilated someone who had 1600 TP & the fight was over sooooo fast. I donā€™t even know anymore. Lol lol wow.

More yippity yappity dogs. Geez I am going to attempt to sleep. We shall see, what the f*** ever.

Read my edits, not happy dogs. Yippity yappity dogs. Autocorrect go flip yourself.

Never really had many issues in alliances tbh, i ran my own for years and it was such an amazing place and never had any issues especially big ones considering it was always so high in players.

Biggest 2 things that happened was when i was in a alliance that had multiple alliances for different levels of strength/roster and the alliance was expected to have people that left flags regularly and wouldnā€™t really try in war if they used flags (just attacked anyone even of they was thousands below their power, often scored under 10pts a war) and the other alliances moaned and had ago at us for kicking themā€¦ but then i was made leader and i pulled us away to be a solo alliance and made a wonderful family tbh and we all keep in touch in external socials till i had to move on.

Then one person called Yolky ***** (i * the last part because i dont wanna fully name) but jeez this person would spam the alliance chat speaking to themselves, making no sence, rambling about politics or just randomly jumping all over the place in topics. One minute politics, the next saying he loves woman, african woman, a line from a random song no one knew, to if people like him. Honestly very creepy and made alot of the females uncomfortable, he also reported multiple of us when we kicked him. Just weird to log off for an hour to come back to 50messages just him with random creepy rubbish


People seem to lose sight of the fact that this is a game. Shouting at people over failed war attacks tells me youā€™ve lost sight of that fact and that this game has taken on more significance in your life than any game should.

Its great to coordinate and work towards a shared goal, but this isnt a 100% skill game and the global nature of the playerbase means that some players have significantly greater advantages compared to others. Those two facts alone mean people should be more tolerant and less triggered by fails.

Also, as appears in the post above - the global nature of the playerbase and the fact that online communties are frequently an expression of loneliness means alliances will often attract people with poor mental health, illicit drug and alcohol issues, and symptoms pertaining to prescription medications and cognitive impairments. Hence, some will communicate in ways that dont sit comfortably with others.


Then you should try it on them

Yep I hear you above :arrow_up: about flasking.

In my former alliance, I flashed not once but twice so I could have 9 titan attacks. Geez, it was my first titan ever! So give me a break.

Lol, no acknowledgment whatsoever. Eventually made an elder (in a mobile phone game wooowwww). Leader was more inactive than me.

And that is all Iā€™ll say about that ha ha lol. :laughing:

At least in my 15-person squad (another game I know lol lol), that I LEAD, it is legit. People actually talk back to me. It is a fun game. When I booted 5, yes, there were many messages that day, but so what? I had to welcome the new members. In under an hour, guild was full again. & everyone is performing great.

How did I get there? Instant promotion from member, to officer, to leader, literally overnight while I was sleeping.

That was not my first guild in that game either, but hey, I learned how the point system works. Live eventsā€¦ live PvP! It is definitely a legit game & Iā€™ve been there 2 months after the launch. Have ALL the leaders & troops easy peasy, no gatcha.

But I digress. Yeah lol religious & political & news does not belong in a game. Neither with my real life actual live friends. Nobody is going to change anybody. So get over it.

That is my drama in a nutshell. But not really drama. Straight up becoming leader was one of the best things that happened to me.

It is a GAME, people.

This is a lot of my origin story @sleepyhead (by the way, just wanted to tag you so you know where Iā€™m coming from, mate).

Take care folks!


Apologies for the super long postā€¦ I type fast.

Married With Children?

So as the title of the thread suggestsā€¦no one here has incited drama in their guild themselves?

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Reason le co el all one person accounts and is not wrong. game some rule first le power alliance all war logout and demoted kick change alliance name. one person invite family and friends is game promotes. and know all perday play left alliance. most near faith family members mom dad sister brother etc but no time playing. titan given good reward 7 star titan defeat.is possible alliance join 15 member attack per day

Reason you and me all not join game authorization alliance is game player creat alliance all members one person le and power kick anyone because is not any losses defeat 14 star titan and forever alliance and members good

Lol all members use flag other creat player alliance give advice where you go wrong le power you kick not reason

Heck yeah I did. Probably cant say what I said tho. Hurts too many poor precious feelings.