What heroes are the biggest disappointment?

Lady Loki, Mok-Arr, Balbar, Sargasso, Celidana, Reuben.

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Thanks. I got the sense that GM had also fallen out of favor. Glad I didnā€™t swap 20 dupes for him during the first SE. I needed a red, but I ended up taking JF for 15 instead. He just got buffed, making him much more usable. Happy with that decision.


Iā€™m with you here: I got him and his costume in a lucky HA10 conversion, then I trained the base Roc to 4/1 and the costume to 4/80. Donā€™t think Iā€™ll be using emblems or a Limit Break on him, so I just took my Costume Bonus and moved on.

Clarissa and GM have very similar stats. The difference is that when GM appeared in 2018 there werenā€™t yet the monster defences to deal with, and when Clarissa appeared in 2020 the monster defences were becoming a thing but none revolved around a Holy tank. GM was still relevant in the age of Green tanks.

@Noble_Weasel I think the disappointment comes from a lack of utility for a purple GM when the age of Holy tanks has long passed.


I have a lvl 29 magic troop paired with senan and donā€™t emblemed. He goes off in 9 tiles. At 9 tiles he is as good as any aoe i have. The fiends are just a bonus.


Bertilla (had several alliance mates rave about how hard she hits), Clarissa (a purple GM, right?!?), and Magni.

Bertilla isnā€™t awful by any means, but she doesnā€™t see much action these days. Clarissa, as has been pointed out, was just too weak for that time. I used her for support for awhile, but when my roster allowed it I stripped her. Magni was hyped from the day I started and was one of the last S1 heroes I pulled. I got him before aethers, and even at +18 I found him way to squishy for the middle three spots. So I figured fine, heā€™s offense onlyā€¦ but if I need to boost his attack, lower their defense, and soften them up a bit before he can kill ā€˜em then Iā€™ll just go with someone who brings more to the table.

Honorable mention is Vela. She used to be awesome- solid performer with a home on defense or offense. It wasnā€™t her fault that Telly got out of control! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Myztero - His actual name is My-Zeroā€¦
For a hero that is the rarest of all his stats and abilities are way below expectations!


Morax is disappointing especially since someone I ended up with 3 of him. Would like to see his damage buffed or given the -24% mana generation to the target and the targetā€™s neighbors. His art is awesome though, I just have so many purples to level up.

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Arfanias is better, for example. I know mana control is ideal, but as you said itā€™s only to 1 enemy, plus heā€™s average speed.

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I really like my Arfanias. When the enemy hero has full or close to full mana he hits very hard and then he gets dodge.

Roc does need a special place in this conversation because there was SO MUCH hype around him when he was released. As the first new seasonal hero in a while, he had big expectationsā€¦and then he was released. I think I read his description half a dozen time trying to find out how he was good!


@Noble_Weasel Did you see this comment about a v. fast offense? Your question about v. fast defense made me think of this.


I did. Being able to stack three DoTs on a fast team would make it a no brainer for me. Mine wouldnā€™t be nearly this effective, but Iā€™m hoping it might be as effective or slightly more so than what Iā€™m using right now.

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Iā€™ve got a Clarissa on sale for discount prices!


Would definitely take her. Very fast and DoT heroes are quickly growing on me.


WHEW! :sweat_smile: I was so excited to max her but then I saw her on this list! Excited again lol Thank you!

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Got Balbar and Enigmo for Black Friday. After a few test fights I am not impressed, to say the leastā€¦

I have Balbar. He can be great in the right circumstance. His sleep special has saved me many a battle. It works best if you freeze someone on the side away from where you are doing your tiles so you donā€™t accidentally wake up the enemy.


This can be incredibly difficult to do.

I got Chakko to 3/70 and realized heā€™s too niche for any practical normal usage. If he naturally just gave -54% mana generation unconditionally then yeah heā€™d be great. I used him as trade bait for Ludwig.