What does this mean? (v39 test on decreasing Raid defense team buff)

Well flagging me was mature!

The truth of it is a have a fairly ordinary intelligence. I’m a limited man. After all those years, I realised how little I know about just about everything. All that paper means to me is I qualified as someone who could learn. If I were ‘brilliant’, I wouldn’t be asking about gaming advice on an online forum dedicated to providing such.

PS, if you know where to look, you can find me on Google scholar. If you are limited like I am you may have to put in 120 hour weeks to achieve enlightenment.

Take care.

Right chill out everyone. Getting a bit of hand,
Do us a favour, atlantis is on I gotta farm the hard way got alot of flasks to use too so keep it friendly. Can’t be checking in on yall lot :wink::+1:


I didn’t start it, so why am I getting flags??

Reducing defence stats devastated our team defence. We could put enemy below 6k, after update there was so many one shoot kills its unbeliveble, on both sides.
Its like you cant score below 6 k any more.
Worst decision to lower def like this…

Maybe a stupid question - Is this testing still ongoing? I couldn’t find a further info. …but maybe I’m just to incompetent to search for the right words. If that’s the case: Sorry! :crazy_face:

Thank you!

I believe it was just a trial in response to the complaints that the defense buff being unfair on the attacker. I can’t remember where I may have read this, but I am fairly sure they gave up on the idea.

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