What do you do with surplus of food?

Thanks all. I forgot (for a moment) about troops, can bump my set of mana troops further until I have feeders. Researching AL just for the sake of completness sounds reasonable. Working on heroes - as F2P I don’t have huge inflow of new 5*.

Wish I had a surplus of food… Most definitely one of the biggest bottlenecks in the game. My mana troops are currently sitting at lv 12. Haven’t worked on them for months and have no idea when I’ll actually have some spare food to do so. At least everyone on my defense finally reached node 18, so the emblem front will let up a bit eventually.

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By the time your 4* troops are approaching lvl 18, and onward to 23… etc …the toll of high demands on food will set in…

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Just leave it on farms.

I have not collected food from farms since 2019 November.

Playing since 2017-September.

Lab 2.0

Alchemy Lab 1.0 was useless.

But Lab 2.0 can be useful.


Click for notes


Lab 2.0


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Give it to me!!!

Here it is my priority order…

EDIT: Maybe now Lab and HA is also a great food to waste.
But I think it will be better if there are a building or any tool for converting food into a bundle, that will be awesome!

I had figured out long ago how to waste over abundant food supply. Give them to the poor :heart_eyes:

But those suggested above are good. Another angle i would suggest. Convert a training camp to do either TC1, TC2, TC3 or TC19 functions. They are food and recruit extensive, especially TC19 if you have thousands of rugged clothes as they spew 1 star feeder every minute. It will keep you busy while leveling your heroes spending that surplus of food. Soon, you’ll be complaining about the lack of food and you’ll return in the forum complaining about it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


9 max 5’s in two years is kinda low unless you have horrible “luck” in tc20 and free pulls. Run 3 tc20 / 1 tc11 until you get several 5’s to work on. Store all your recruits and food in them. TC12 seems like a waste for someone with so few 5’s.

You have less than 100m food stored which can be easily depleted by troops. Your troop levels are also kinda low too. Farm low energy stages like 8-7 in season 1 to get more troops per world energy.

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