What do you do when you run out of heroes to level?

The big question is what to do about it.

Vastly more Emblems would just return us to something like the status quo from before Emblems, except with the addition of Talents.

It’s moderately off-topic for this thread, but I think the game design is broken if all they can come up with are more ways to level heroes further, and more new heroes.

I think the game needs to move away from hero acquisition and leveling to adding more new ways to use the heroes we have.

I’ve ranted about that publicly a couple times before, but am not sure how to convince the game designers of it.

My early private feedback in Beta (link will work only for Beta players) about Alchemy Lab was rooted in the same premise of adding a new game element, but an earlier expression of it. Obviously that went nowhere.

I’m not sure how to effectively campaign for a game design shift at this point.

And the Challenge Event revamps and Season 3 give every indication that they’re mainly fixated on just continuing to add more heroes.