What brings players to the forum for advice?


But it’s also from habit. A habit of looking for answers to questions I assume have already been answered, (and things I am worried to ask). I am an avid (perhaps overly avid) forum reader for any game that I put a reasonable amount of time into.

Some forums are more well-moderated and have better rules than others though!

I also get the feeling that alliance chat is… not the place for me to ask all my questions and post my gameplay opinions.


To the excess of old, uncollated threads?

Well, one would be more staff to collect them together more often. I think @rook and @Coppersky have tried to have purges in the past. I only attempt it when there’s a sudden bug, like for war a couple of months ago, and there’s suddenly 100+ topics on the same disaster.

I think that threads are supposed to close after a month of inactivity, but some manage to stumble on for a long time.

We could merge threads with a much broader brush - dump all the level X or y threads together etc, but they would cut across each other and be useless I think.

So, perhaps, would be a tick-box for each new topic that says ‘I have searched for this topic prior to posting’ or maybe, when you enter the thread title it does an auto search and pushes some at you.

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The auto search would be an excellent idea i believe. Possibly checking a “read” box at the bottom of most relevant thread before being able to create a new one

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Here’s a good example.


No disrespect to the OP but this kind of request to alter the cup system has been made dozens of times and been debated by some really first-class brains without consensus. It’s incredibly unlikely to be changed at this point.

But finding out where to merge it is a pain and very time consuming because there are hundreds of similar threads.


Start a mega thread and merge them there as they come up or as you find them. Would br my suggestion. Same thing you’ve guys done with summons results. Of course idea threads is trickier due to the “voting” stuff so idk the right call on that part.

Simple fix to that would be if idea threads had to start as discussion threads then after x amount of likes, the poster is given the option to make it an idea thread

Yeah definitely a very complicated situation a lot of times if you Revenge somebody you’re only getting 15 cups per Revenge

@rigs maybe fix revenging cups truth lie to me it doesn’t seem fair that somebody can raid you for 50 cups and to Revenge them you only get 15 cup that’s my thought

@Rigs You say new game try it out

I say ok download it and go to the forum to read about

Majority always wins and everyone knows about forums majority of people don’t know or never heard of a line you said yourself you just learned of it

Me personally I go where there is the biggest amount of knowledge I trust long time players and Devs over a group of players I just joined

Clans, groups, alliances, etc… tend to be biased to everything but what they like I want to know different angles on the characters I have not what they think a should have or use


Think she meant the duplicate thread. Not necessarily the idea within the thread…

Well my personal experiences i discussed above happened over a year ago. But i see your point.

Also biased opinions seem just as common to me in 1 media as they are in another. I’ve seen my teammates split on opinions over 1 topic just as easily as i see others split. And you can search the forum, it’s pretty rare to fins a thread with 100% agreement between all involved.

But i do see your point about opinions being a numbers game and forum having a larger collection of those numbers than alliance chatter.

What has me more curious i think is what makes a player ask a question before doing any research. Personally I’ve always been a bit of DIY guy and i would much rather research or trial/error a question or idea over just asking to be given a direct answer and skipping the fun part

Might solve your flag problem. Just saying.

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I wouldn’t make a good moderator. Too opinionated and outspoken

It would get me in more trouble

Research/trial and error is very good. Sometimes answers are not one-size-fits-all, especially since different players play the game differently.

I like the Forum to be a place where all types of players can ask and be responded to with a variety of answers. The asker can then decide which answer(s) he or she will take. The asker uses their own criteria to sort which answers they will accept. :slight_smile:


“What brings players to the forum for advice?”



Lol true but it’s the same advice found elsewhere…

I think Line works for you @rigs because you’re senior and people know you. But it works less and less well the more junior and anonymous you are. And you probably have to come to the forum just to even discover what Line groups are out there.

Most Line groups also aren’t dedicated advice channels. Everyone’s happy to answer questions from time to time. But by the 1000th person who @s Anchor to ask “Should I level Zimkitha or Marjana,” whatever Line group he’s in will have a very different character.

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FWIW, some of the Line groups I’m in are ones I got added to by you, @Rigs, after seeing you post on the forum about them. So the flow can go both ways.


So what we’re saying here is that players come to the forum when they dont know where else to go or who else to ask



That’s what got me lurking on the forum originally. Global chat in game is a nightmare. But here, you can find out useful information about the game, and learn who has opinions worth listening to.


How long did it take you guys to find the forum?