Weekly tourneys w/ featured characters powered up

I played Marvel Puzzle Quest for a couple years but dropped it in favor of E&P. There was one feature that was a very fun variant of normal gameplay that could be utilized in Empires with as much, or more, success.

Each week, various selected 3/4/5* each get a power up buff that raises their levels and strength. 3* become more like 4* and 4* like 5*'s. And 5*'s will kill you if you look at them wrong.

The enemies are also powered up. If you have the selected heroes-- whether 1 or 2 or a whole team-- it makes beating the puzzle significantly easier than not have the powerup heroes.

This can apply to pve and raids (maybe titans too?). Same heroes powered up. So-- Say I have Sir Lancelot, Skittleskull, Agwe, Mokarr, (less used/appreciated heroes) and it happens to be a powerup week for them, we can finally use them for something other than collecting digital dust. But say it’s Seshat, BK or Telluria’s week… it’s gonna be a fun week.

I believe it would be a fun way to engage or re-engage the players with minimal effort on SG’s part. There is already s3, weekly tournaments, raids, and titans… which is all great. And it seems adding another element to the game could really fill up your day. This addition would add flavor without adding too much more time sink.

SG could definitely generate extra revenue by creating a new desire in the players to level more heroes for use. Because each week a new batch of heroes will be more useful for every aspect of the game. And if you happen to not have any of the featured heroes that week, that provides incentive to pull more or invest more time and resources to level the less desired ones.

It would give great satisfaction for players to have the firepower to take on the meta tanks and teams with the wonderful assortment of heroes E&P has to offer, but never get to use. And It would add a new element of strategy to engage the players.

I’m just not too sure how keen SG is to “copy” another game like that. And it’s probably pointless bringing the idea up but why not.

Have a great day! :grin:

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