Von Rothbart - 5* Dark / Purple from Secrets of the Opera

I have never seen silence spread a toon and I have been using him in raids the past week and half. I don’t have numbers or statistics because I wasn’t tracking it.

Hoping this gets fixed, yes only 25% chance but 1 in 4 is better than 0 and 50!

So the more effects a dance has, the harder it will be to apply to animated heroes.
And Charlotta has more effects than Von so it will be harder for her to apply her dance than Von’s dance
Specifically, it’s twice as much as Von. For example, if Von succeeds once out of 10 times, then for her to succeed, it has to be 20 times(?)
If so, the dance is not as good as we think

its interesting that a couple of people have managed to get the dance to spread to a toon - i’ve been watching my raids since my first post 5 days ago, and i’m doing two chests a day with Von Rothbart in every attacking team and still not seen a single instance of this dance spreading. i stopped tracking the actual number of attempts but it must be well over 200 now with a 0% success rate.

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So I was curious since reading this thread went in and fired next to a toon… it took my 1 try to get this :sweat_smile:


well i can’t work out whats going on here then!

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A post was split to a new topic: Von Rothbart vs Hilda - Dance effect bug

Finally got a Toon to dance:

The dance was coming at Vivica from both sides, two different Von Rothbart dances were coming at her, not sure how the check goes for that but she finally joined in the music.


Is this a bug? I used 2 opera hero and was supposed to get 10% family bonus for att/def/HP.

However only att/def got the bonus.

Thanks for response in advance

You should try raiding with only Von Rothbart with the same troop and see if his hp is 3922 or lower. The hp increase won’t be shown in Green as that means boosted health.


Do family heroes need to be maxed to get the bonus? Or can you use one at 3-70 and one at 4-85?

Only requirement is the number of family members mentioned.

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no need, health is just not showed as green

You’re right, when I use only 1 opera hero, it shows less health, so I guess health is added directly while att/def is show in green.

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Had to open yet another ticket with support.

The dance ends early.
Regular Raid.
There are no heroes that reduce the duration of ailments and no dancers on the opposing team.
Hit the taunt hero (Guffa).
Next turn the dance spread to both neighbors (Whitefang and Cel).
Next turn the dance is gone, no damage was taken by the three dancers.

That was the second time yesterday it ended early. Dances cannot be cleansed and don’t follow the usual ailment rules, so do we know if ailment duration reduction abilities reduce the duration of a dance ailment? The other time it happened, Theodosius was in the opponent’s team.

Did you forget yesterday was war equalizer?

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+20 characters…

Did stoneskin possibly cause the dance to not apply to the wings?

Been testing my VR and haven’t been able to get it to bug out at all.

the lineup was

Whitefang / Guffa / Cel / Zhuge Liang / Ramona

Hit Guffa
Next turn Whitefang and Cel both dancing
Next turn - dance is gone and no damage was taken by the enemy.

No hero in their team to cast a dance.
No hero with ailment duration reduction

So unless Zhuge Liang’s minions can remove a dance there is no passive or active part of any special to reduce the dance duration. I do NOT recall if Zhuge fired at the time the dance disappeared.

The screenshot from the end of the battle.
Whitefang, Guffa and Cel all have one of Zhuge’s minions but NO riposte. Zhuge’s minion died but Ramona has the minion and riposte.

Can you review raid history and give full opponent lineup?

That one was last night.

This morning had another fighter revive while dancing and fire their special even as the dance icon remained in place. Can see my heroes with the poison, XJZ just revived with fighter talent and fired while supposedly silenced from the dance.

Second error of the fighter revive I have reported to SG’s team (after the first report they said it will be repaired in an update).

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