Valhalla Heroes you REALLY want?

Maybe he is good for the Titans, and not against the Titans? :wink:

Indeed people report all over that using him is very tricky and it has unreliable results.

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Then, whats the proper use of Jott?

His special would yield better result depending on the number of available blue tiles you have on the board (the more blue tiles the better), if you have sufficient blue tiles plus blue diamond for instance, fire Miki, then fire Jott, then detonate the diamond and watch the damage point goes high.

Note, that when on attack, his special, boost attacks on each blue tiles, and debuffs blue tiles if he is on defense.

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Interesting. Ill try

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For some reason I keep reading this thread as ā€œVanilla Heroes you REALLY want?ā€

Donā€™t mind meā€¦ I just need more coffeeā€¦ or better glassesā€¦


Donā€™t feel bad (or alone). I did the same until I actually started reading the post. Then I was all ā€œuhm, ooohhh thatā€™s what itā€™s aboutā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Maybe Iā€™m the lucky one but ever since I turfed Kiril for Jott, Iā€™ve been averaging 10 - 20K higher per flag on Titans. Paired with Wu Kong and decent amount of blue tiles, he is devastating. Even on bad boards I do better with him.

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I think Almur is one of the best at the moment 4* and Iā€™ve got Skadi last Valhalla so Iā€™m happy with her. Iā€™m going to summon next Valhalla maybe I get Almur and I habe Nordri+20 his really good

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Of the released heroes Iā€™d take a lot of them since Iā€™ve gotten gypped on S2 heroes and only have Atomos (meh):

In order of want:


Freya is useful if you have Minions heros, which I have none soā€¦

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hoping if I say it 4 timeā€™s Iā€™ll get him :joy:


Basically i have most of the good rares and epic from Valhalla, i was lucky to pull them the day they went out (Almur, Jott and Guilinbursti case) and Mist when Valhalla started.

Missing rares i want

Grevle. Probably one of the best 3* green around. Attack and hp boost are too valuable.


Brynhild. A valuable fast speed healer . A healer for rogue trials and a very good green overall.



I couldnt get Telluria in March so i feel like the guy out of place . The guy who arrived to the costume - Party without the costume. In that way Heimdall could supply telly and be my green tank to pair with my Vela


I dont have any minion generator hero. I consider Freya a good addition that will add some diversity to my roster.

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Legendary Rush without holy pls.
ā€¦and 10 tabardsā€¦

Skadi would be a great blue tank.


I have Freya, Heimdall, and Ratx2 but canā€™t seem to get my hands on Tyr. I think heā€™d be great to give fighter emblems to and use offensively. Not sure if itā€™s worth summoning in Valhalla this month with Lady Loki supposedly being featured. Not sure how good Lady Loki will be. I think Iā€™d rather save up and summon next month when Frigg is featured since I donā€™t have Buddy for green defense down.

As for the upcoming ones, Thor, Odin, Gefjon, and Lord Loki all seem awesome. Lord Loki seems to be extremely versatile and a good counter to any heavy hitting slow hero. Potentially hard counter to heroes like Alfrike.

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Tyr, Alfrike, Ratataskr

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Freyaā€™s minions do buff each other if there are more than 1, I definitely wouldnā€™t discount her. A fast minion summoner I would love.

Iā€™ve wanted Mist and Bryn since the very beginning of S3, but instead Iā€™ve just been getting mostly Sumle and Stonecleaveā€¦

No 5* yet, but would like just about any of them tbh.

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Two months ago, when Almur was introduced to the game, I did 30ish pulls hoping to get him (since I dont have Evelyn). I got 2 Freya, Fenrir, Heimdal, 2 bonus Clarissa and Sartana. My luckiest pull ever. But no, did not get Almur. I did another 20-30 pulls last Valhalla, did not get Almur yet again, but no S3 5* this time. I hope that 3rd time is the charm, and pull him this month.
I would also love to get Bera and Gefjon when they are introduced in the live game.


Yeah, same. I start reading the replies and Iā€™m thinking, ā€œwaitā€¦ none of the heroes you guys are talking about are vanilla heroesā€¦ā€

Double check thread title :man_facepalming: :crazy_face:

Okay now I get it. :laughing:

As for Valhalla heroes? Only ones Iā€™ve been lucky enough to pull so far are 3s, and since I rarely use 3s, I havenā€™t had a chance to try them out much yet (they could be awesome for rare level stuffs, IDK, will find out once I get around to leveling them).

I havenā€™t actually looked into all the 4s and 5s from Valhalla to see which ones might be the bestā€¦ I figure Iā€™ll cross that bridge when Iā€™m lucky enough to actually pull one. :grin:

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I have one Almur, but I would definitely love to get another. Brynhild and Mist, along with any of the 5*s sound good also.

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I have fura,almur,jott,gvele,kvasir,mist , lord loki and ratatoskr! I want heimdall most of all though. If truth be told the only one of these I have leveled is loki and he sadly sits at 3.70 waiting on scopes. I mean to level these others but there is just so many heroā€™s and not enough mats! Loki does alot at 3.70 though especially in raids and p.v.e area not to mentions events. Him and proteus have been game changers. But Iā€™m in desperate need of a overhealer. My c. Rigard is great but a overhealer would be gladly welcome

Gullinbursti for meā€¦I was raiding in diamond last night and encountered him +20 multiple times mixed in with 5*. He really gave me a hard time!

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