V22.1 Unable to Revenge Due To Different Versions (Not a Bug)

While SG is rolling out the new version, people who have attacked you ar some point in the recent past but are now upgraded to v22.1 won’t be revengeable until you upgrade to v22.1 too, at which point you can revenge as normal.

Once you upgrade, you will not be able to take revenge on people who are on v22 until they upgrade. So you’ll want to do all your revenges before upgrading.

Please note that the server won’t realize you have upgraded until you actually log in with the new version! So if you upgrade but then stay logged out for several hours, people on the old version will be able to attack you, but you won’t be able to revenge them once you finally log in on the new version.


I was just attacked in a raid. I tried to revenge the attack and received the message, "you are unable to attack this player because they are on a different version. I’ve attached screenshots of the attacker, my account and my software version. I think i should at a minimum get my trophies back and a little payback for my trouble (a few items to ascend my 5* heroes would be nice).

Image with account ID removed. Please don’t post your account ID because it can be used to gain unauthorized access to your account

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Can’t tell if you’re being serious.

If not, we’d welcome you at the Ridiculous Complaints Thread.

If you are being serious…


I have the same problem and need 3 tabards. Devs you know where to find me.


Why would you think im not serious?

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If you are being serious, once the other player updated their app version you will be able to revenge. Just a versioning issue for products with technical debt.

Btw, don’t hold you breath for a “payback for your troubles”. This happens too everyone in the game. Everyone.


You have me rather confused. I showed the screenshots, which as far as i know are difficult to fake. This actually happened today. If I’m missing something please let me know.

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@JonahTheBard meant well here. This sounded like a “joke” complaint that we have a lot of here.


I understand that i could revenge once they update. But, if someone is able to remain on an old version and attack without worrying about revenge, whats keeping everyone from not updating? It seems to me that an older version shouldn’t be able to attack an updated version. Imsho.


Gotcha. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Seems like a legit bug to me but im I.T. stupid and just a play for fun guy.

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I believe once the update is fully rolled out the older version no longer loads. Then you have no choice but to update.


No worries. They will be forced to update at a certain point.

But either way, SG doesn’t do a lot of “this is wrong here is free stuff”. Just for future reference.


But “just in case”…I got a headache from raiding to long and watching special animations go off, I think 1 telescope is in order? Pretty please SG? I’ll love you for…a little while at least?


I guess in hindsight the begging for free stuff was meant in jest. I had no expectations of getting free stuff.

Lots of People here making very “real” threats. No worries. Have fun and enjoy the game!


Thanks for covering for me :+1:


No problem. We all out punt our coverage every once in awhile.

And I had to make up for trying to steal that recruit from you. We are even. Battle on. :wink:


Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration: