🎲 [v2] Alchemy Lab FAQ & Discussion

So let’s start a quick summary on possible queue/dequeue here (i try to update till completed :wink:):

Which levels allow to reduce queued transmutations?
1A - :+1:
1B - :+1:
2A - :+1:
2B - :+1:
3A - :+1:
3B - :+1:
4A - :+1:
4B - :+1:
5A - :+1:
5B - :+1:
6A - :+1:
6B - :+1:
7A - :+1:
7B - :+1:
8A - :+1:
8B - :+1:
9A - :+1:
9B - :+1:
10A - :no_entry:
10B - :no_entry:

Please help to fill this list by posting, which levels you are allowed or not to dequeue. Thanks for your help. :slightly_smiling_face: