Upcoming Balance Changes - Announcement Discussion (May, 2020)

Did you order Telluria? If so, please let me know how? I ordered her with 5 costume keys

Whatever he said, he might be right :joy:

This only nerf 1 tile.
Sample for very fast heroes.


Yeah, I ascended my Killhare about a half hour before this was posted. Lol on me. Couldā€™ve held off to see if Iā€™d have preferred Clarissa. Oh well, no biggie. Just need a tome to ascend Clarissa if I decide having all the emblems on Telly no longer a good strat.

I donā€™t know why I saw CHEESECAKE when you said cheesesteak. Lol

I tried to read all the postsā€¦ but more get made faster than I can read so itā€™s impossible!

Slight nerf is the right call.

People desperate for compensation for what they spent pulling for her and then maxing her - Well I didnā€™t get her but I did spend to chase her. Do I get compensated too?! (For the record I am not looking to be.) I understand itā€™s a hard decision to do a nerf now, but I trust them to be fair to their customers, as far as they can.

And then for fun - please buff (my heroes) Atomos, Thorne, Khagan, Elena. And give us more red weapons to face the Tell-terror.


And truckloads joining to fill it

Thing with this game, players come and go

For every 1 spender that quits; you can 5 more level 5s in general chat that are potential spenders

With that being said and all snark aside Iā€™d prefer that they come to a decision that is at least acceptable for allā€¦i just think that no matter what there will be fallout

Anyways towards the beginning of this thread somewhere in a post far far away i mentioned everyone just holdin tight on the rants and just offering up constructive opinions/suggestions about what the rebalance should or shouldnā€™t look like or if there should be one at allā€¦

Instead we have a bunch of cereal ailse tantrums, pointless back n forths(yea i know lol some are thanks to yours truly but tbh they make me laugh and i just cant help myself sometimes), threats of lawsuits, etc etc etc none which will be taken all that serious by devs as itā€™s all stuff theyā€™ve read before and have openly said itā€™s the #1 factor for them to just overlook a lot of posts and skip to the more level headed constructive approaches


Probably keep getting flagged because youā€™re off topicā€¦just a guessā€¦


I know that some are very disappointed, maybe even on the state of quitting due to possible Telly and other heroes balance changing.
Please take a deep breath and see how it turns out, before reaching the red field.
I am not seeing anyone talking about making Telluria being nerfed to not be a top tank.
Telluria broke all bounds unexpectedly


I ordered her with free eht that SG give me for playing the game regularly.

The only thing you buy in this game is gems. Heroes arenā€™t your property, so you have no say over what SG does with them.

Thatā€™s what comes with every game you play, and has for years.

Iā€™ve beta tested games longer than some people here have been alive, and have played games competitively. Things like this happen in every game, but for some reason people in E&P these days feel more entitled than any other base Iā€™ve played with.


This is very much on par. I want the nerf but donā€™t change her speed, reduce her mana reduction to 24%, get rid of the damage and for God sake, change her defensive stats some. She basically has Kunchen defense and isnā€™t slow and is a paladin. Yikes

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And thatā€™s excly weā€™re the balance is imoā€¦

Yes, not ALL players has enough resoucers to get good flanks and emblem herā€¦

Consider Telly OP and Nerff her, affect all players, top 100 and all others.

I am showing that Nerffed Telly will affect all of then. Telly is OP for top players that has ALL heroes and emblems in 1 month. This is not the same for other Telly ownersā€¦

Is It hard to understand that there are a Lot of player levels in this game? The change Will affect all, not just players that has GM, Telly, Vela but the players that have just Telly as the first 5star, and other that have Joon, Telly and Khagan ( belive me, I fight agains Khagan on Wars).


@Petri I honestly think the correct solution is not nerf but buff older heroes, create widely available counters, not event heroes, not HotM, not S2/S3, not costume, but pure red TC heroes.

Guin can be countered by Sabina and Domitia to some extent.

Kunchen can be countered by Vivica to some extent.

Ursena can still be managed by using non-yellow.

BK can still be countered using Sonya.

Finley can still be managed by avoiding buff.

But not Telluria, it is hard to fight with no red due to the nature of her heal, minion, defense, and mana regen reduction. There are no red TC hero who can be called her counter. Even then 3 of 4 red 5* are slow heroes.



Iā€™m not leaving this gameā€¦Iā€™m just gonna ā€œrebalanceā€ my spending because I think my spending was too OP :wink:

There, problem solved.


I have not clarrissa yet I have 15000 gems though and want to synegise her with Gravemaker so will likely pull for her.

I worked out that with what I have remaining eg not spending more money if I burn through the lot of it I will have a 60% chance of pulling her.

That means a 40% chance of not getting her it is not assured. just like that idiot who decides to hold a grudge against me and try to follow me into every single pot in online poker has given me lots of money over the past few months but My A10 lost a pre flop all in shove to his J4 suited and I lost. I hope he feels really good about that, no seriously I really really do so that he can continue doing negative ev plays against me and I can take more and more in the coming months to and have a much greater then 60% chance of pulling Clarrissa.

anyway I guess I will hold tabards and if I pull Clarrisa I do her instead but if not I do Killhare.

Not potentiallyā€¦ it became a lose-lose scenario the day they released Telly, TBH.

Personally? I donā€™t have Telly. Do I think she (and yes Iā€™m still referring to Telly as she) is OP? Yes. But sheā€™s not the only one. She was just ā€œa bridge too farā€ for some, particularly those who have spent years and lots of money on perfecting their teams, only to get knocked down by people with some fresh new heroes. Not fair for them, they say.

But then if you go and nerf Telly? Those who chased her specifically so that they could compete with the Big Boys are now going to cry foul as well.

Me? Heck, I donā€™t have any good heroes. Stopped chasing them a long time ago. So I have no dog (or should I say cat-tree hybrid) in this fight. I can see both sidesā€™ points of viewā€¦ and I can also see that both sides are really, really pissed off. And I canā€™t blame them, any one of them. This is SGā€™s mess that they created. Thatā€™s the downside of running a casino gacha game. You get lots of money as long as people think itā€™s ā€œfairā€. The moment many of your customers begin to suspect otherwiseā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Anywho. You may now all proceed with your regularly scheduled dumpster fire civilized debate. Just pretend I was never here.


Improve all other heroes, and donā€™t belittle a single one. This is a lack of respect with those who analyzed the hero and made an investment to have him as presented.

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Lol Iā€™m so glad you didnā€™t quit the forum

Laugh in every thread youā€™re involved in(in a good way, laughing with youā€¦unless youā€™re not laughing then i retract my previous statement)

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen a thread grow this much this fast! Itā€™s impressive but obviously a sign that this balance change is stirring strong emotions on both sides.

Iā€™m in the pro-nerf camp, but only to the extent that Telluria remains a viable hero in her intended role as a strong nature tank. Right now sheā€™s literally dominating the meta in every defense past about 2600 cups. After nerf, I expect her to be about as effective as the best tanks in the other colors like Guin and Kunchen, but not more or less effective than them. That way, the resources spent leveling and embleming a defense around her arenā€™t wasted; theyā€™ll still be perfectly viable as a defense, just not the ubiquitous brick wall they are now.

I donā€™t plan to read or reply after this since the discussion is moving far too fast for that, but just wanted to get my thoughts out there.

Also, remember it makes things more pleasant for everyone to be civil. :slight_smile: