Upcoming Balance Changes - Announcement Discussion (May, 2020)

What a joke.
Is Telluria hard to beat? Sure is. So are teams with Guinevere, Gravemaker, and some are especially annoying such as Vela, Ursena, Jean-F, and so on.

I remember the last “balance”, and the fact it went after what I had. Managed to get Telluria, put all my resources into it, and… oh boy, better nerf that.

I won’t be sticking around if it’s anything significant. Nothing but greed running this place anymore.


I am certain that many many people, if not the majority of players who spend feel this way. I have felt that generally speaking harming already released heroes runs quite a high risk of an exercise in poor business judgment. It’s very tricky and will be interesting to see if they overshoot or act judiciously.


That’s fine but that’s not what this is.

This is buying a cheesesteak and then as you’re about to eat it, they remove the cheese.

That’s the accurate analogy and that’s not balancing anything. Especially if now every cheesesteak purchased is still called a cheesesteak when it still doesnt have cheese.

Wanna boost sales of your cheesesteaks?

Make better pierogies.

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I’ll put it this way…

You have lots of long term high end players & future “up and coming” ones leaving because there ISN’T anything done & they have a endless wall of Telluria that they are facing (boredom) & no real chance at summoning in the future…


You have (potentially) lots of players leaving because they make a change to try to restore some balance to the raiding…

Potentially Lose-Lose scenario…

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You can’t be neutral to one hero being nerfed and not another. Once the set the precedent it’s over, no hero will ever be safe.

Your feelings towards GM (which i 100% agree with) are the same feelings as others have towards Telluria. It’s that simple.

They just need to leave them all alone and spend more time on testing beta before releasing heroes, not trying to change them after players have summoned them and spent ascension materials, time, and in most cases lots of money.


Are we talking about your half emblemed Telluria, which has suboptimal flanks, and actually using that as your example of no balance adjustment needed?

I don’t know if It is enough to turn this synergy ok… How much is ok? That is ok for me now. I have more wins against Telly than Guinevere.

They will need to test again on Beta, try to make this “Ballance”… not easy, but is a SG challenge.

If they turn this Ballance like they done with Jean François, the owners of Telly that does not have other options will not like.

There is no acting judiciously. You spend 60,000 on a BMW and the dealership gives you a Kia, there’s going to be a problem. The only difference is I can put my hands on the dealer.

You can’t bait & switch heroes.

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The precedent was established many years ago…

This is NOT the first round of Buffs/ Nerfs (read balance changes) that have been done on Live-Game heroes…

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This is already happening because of Telluria. I see her around 75% of the time and I sit between 2600-2800 cups.

My alliance has lost 5 members this past month because they’re tired facing a challenge they see as you need to pay us to beat this person.

FYI, Guin was nerfed twice after release, Alasie and BT also. It’s up to the developers to keep some balance as best as they can so yes, it’s already been done


I see your point. However Telluria is the 2nd most popular hero in the game. If they touch her they may as well touch GM, and then it’s truckloads of players keeping their money in their wallets

That’s another group for whom trust is at risk with this move. Those who pay to play only opportunistically, like when they see a very strong hero come out that they want. In this case both Telluria and Vela, and to some extent Jean-Francois, were actively pursued by many who saw the 3-month roll-out (Jan. - Vela, Feb. - J-G, Mar. - Telly) as providing a very strong synergistic combo. An even greater synergy if you were lucky enough to already have Gravemaker. So now the three month strategy and expenditures of those players is being put at risk. A wrong move risks losing the trust of, and many of those players.

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Eh we didn’t notice a decline in performance individiually until the topic hero took the scene

But i can’t prove it’s not the boards, maybe they’re consistently rigged in our favor or something

Who knows…

If the restaurant has a sign up saying “we reserve the right to change anything you order” then you have no valid complaints.

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Will we know about all the coming nerfs/buffs (or at least their initial forms) right when beta opens again? I’m really excited to see what’s on this horizon

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Yes, I will post new Beta Beat threads when Beta reopens.

If you click on beta-beat and turn on Watching, you’ll be notified.


Actually, it’s not really close to for top 100. She was on 85% of the teams tanks and 89% on all of them
Vela was 2nd while GM who had been at the top for 2 years dropped out of the top spot to 3rd

this i need to know if it worth ascending My killhare or not I might put her on hold and try for clarrissa though

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So that all other heroes improve, do not diminish a single one, where thousands of people have spent their precious money to obtain it. This is a total lack of respect for those who invest in the game, if they do, I guarantee you that I will not spend any more penny here.

I think this is what I agreed with :+1:

I do understand the frustration that comes with balance changes – I’ve played fighting games before where this is very common now, and those balance changes mean you need to learn a lot of new things – but I am glad for one that the balance changes E&P has gotten have been rare.

Last big one we got was Aegir and Thorne buff (along with others) and that was 1 year and 6 months ago? Well my point is these balance patches are rare.

Most of all I am hoping for some very needed buffs to the sucky heroes. I was planning to post more detailed thoughts on this but I’ll wait for people to cool down or maybe I’ll edit one of my first posts so it doesn’t get drowned out.