Upcoming Balance Changes - Announcement Discussion (May, 2020)

I feel that they knew that she was overpowered but they wanted to release her to get all our money first and then nerf her. because they knew that so many people would want to have her and spend a lot of money. I’m in the same boat as you on this wolfman


The djinn was let out. There are no solutions that will please everyone. Even if players would get their 4* ascension mats back, they’d complain about all the money they spend chasing her. It is what it is. I hope people could get it into their thick heads that you spend money on gems and not heroes. You bought CHANCES and not a hero.

Nobody wants an over nerf. I hope you reduce her mana degeneration to -24%, same as Alasie who hits 3 targets max with that special skill. Now this won’t restore meta as it was before this green bacteria, but should make the game a little bit less board dependent again. Because that’s the issue. Telluria tank and Vela flank and you’re 100 at rngesus mercy. This wouldn’t restore everything nor would it give us back immedately all the variety we had before. But do this and I believe variety will slowly return in the future, after several counters been released and when more new players pick up other good heroes that can compete on the same level, who didn’t pull this hotm. I hope you look into Vela too.

Thank you to all those who shared constructive feedback and thanks to SG who’s trying to restore the game balance again.


This is not fair , I’m not money spending player and my heroes good are vela and telluria , if u nerf these which will affect a lot effort and time spend on them .

I have one big question before releasing u put all heroes in beta and under go changes know them why another adjustment? Then what is the point of beta players ? Not fair :-(.

Won’t be a class action lawsuit or there would have been one years ago

Doesn’t hurt to dream though

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no one says nothing when a hero gets buff…

but if SG says to nerf a hero…
OMG…eveyone come to cry…
just stop… and think… Is Telluria OP compared to others heroes?
Yes? ok… nerfed.


So your solution is spend more money on other heroes???
FWIW, nobody is unbeatable and when I see Aegir, I smile

I am gonna applaud in my little corner here. Looks like they made a mistake, and they’re coming back to fix it. Backlash & all. But that’s not really what I’m clapping for. It’s so rare that they need to come back & make a change like this. In the other phone game I play, they’re constantly rebalancing things left & right. These guys put a lot of effort into getting it right the first time. This is the one slip-up like this in… How long now? Looks to me like they do some very impressive work


2 hours in and we are almost at 450 comments. Good lord. Why are people so upset that a game breaking hero is being toned down? Not to mention we don’t even know how yet? How can you possibly enjoy facing the same tank 90% of every single day? I enjoyed the challenge of facing her, but when the game comes down to two tiers, those who have tell, and those who don’t? Yea that’s a problem. No one hero should lead to automatic success in every facet of the game. Finley doesn’t do that. Ursena doesn’t do that. Guin didn’t do that. And for what it’s wroth, I have 3 of her and want the nerf.


Pointing out again:


Wow so this is how it is gonna be after boosting your sales on gems/pulls after introducing a new good hero?

What is your beta actually for if not to find stuff like this before introducing it to the game?

Balacing heroes? no you are talking about nerfing telluria and more heroes.

Nerfing is never a solution in a game.

Nerfing is done before it is introduced into the game! Period!

So now you guys has release a hero that people have spent money to get used saved up resorces to level and a looooot of material to emblem that hero!

How are we gonne be reimbursed for this??

We leveled said hero based on the stats YOU introduced her with!

A lot of people did pulls either with saved up gems/tokens or money to get this hero!

4* ascention materials does not come by often in this game!

All those are now wasted!!

This is in no way acceptable behavior!!!

So tell me how you are gonna solve this!

Last but not least what other heroes are you gonna nerf?

Tell us now so we don´t ascend them!


I’m thinking that maybe nobody should be able to use anything over 2 Star heroes that way it is fair for everybody and nobody should even be allowed to win a raid or a war and everyone should just get participation loot…oh and no good 2 star heros or we will have to nerf them down … Just in case anybody only has 1 star heroes

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They (beta) testers also players like you. Everyone will not have entire list of hero’s in their roaster.

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Thanks!!! Telluria is OP. Combo with Vela.
Look TOP 100 in game:
95% teams with Telluria
90% teams with Telluria+Vela
70% teams exactly the same (5 equal heroes)

The diversity in the defense team’s strategy is over. Instead of several strategies, only one emerged. Changing Telluria is important to bring back varieties of defense teams in the Top 100.


What really isn’t making sense here…

People don’t want a hero nerfed that they got from a summon they paid for

But then are turning around and suggesting more nerfs to more heroes that themselves or others have?..:thinking::thinking::thinking:


Thats just like saying i spent heaps on gems to try and get Gravemaker and didnt i want a refund. There was no guarantee you would even get Tell evdn if you spent heaps on gems, its all luck.

Tell 100% needs a nerf, surely you can see this ? He definitely needs to go to Slow mana or very slow mana and i think that would help a little but still wouldnt effect him much because once he fires, its nearly impossible to stop, specially with his nmana regen


How can I possibly vote yet? I need to see the nerf before I can agree with it or disagree with it.


@Manathir … add to that the money that we spent to get a hero that we may not every want to use again once nerfed! At this point, I am absolutely livid… Small Giant just has Small Balls at this point… they don’t have big enough balls to withstand the complaining of a small portion of players that didn’t get Telluria and now want to through a hissy fit.

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Definitely true and the only ones that dont want this changed are the ones that have him because they know he works so well and so hard to kill.


Should have been slow, agreed compared to boss wolf

But i don’t think she should go to slow now as it would be too much

Be interesting to test the changes