šŸ¦… Ukkonen ā€“ 5* Fire / Red from Legends of Kalevala

How is he on offense?

Well i just put emblems full attack. Heā€™s not double limit broken yet but Iā€™m pleased so far. Granted this team overall helps but prior to this red tank i had hathor and jove. So i am playing around with it. Iā€™ve been sitting at around 450 cups on defense for hours with my usual team. Ill let this sit over 8 hours and report back. Here are ukkonen stats before emblems and after along with my current team.

keep in mind my troops are not maxed so im sure that will play a factor and im used to having my bard hero ogima in thereā€¦so my mana being slowed down some might also be a factor in the outcome. Fingers crossed. Iā€™d like something else to work for a change from the usual cookie cutter heroes we always see. Wish me luck lol.


Iā€™ve lost a few on defense but offensively much better. Itā€™s too early to say. But i certainly canā€™t complain. Not yet anyway.

Stats look solid, but you might have too many minion makers lol. They end up replacing each otherā€¦ Iā€™d look into a sniper or hard hit 3.

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Pulled ukonnen on Saturday. Iā€™m figuring he will go next to Ludwig, so Ludwig can basically have infinite heal. Not sure about the rest of the team though, trying to figure out who else he has synergy with

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Zenobia or this dudeā€¦. Z has waited a lot ā€¦ :bangbang:


Congratulations on the dilemma @dansing .

Personally I would opt for Zenobia for her tile damage boost, specifically because of titans. I have tried to build good titan teams (for regular titans, that is an alliance benefit, couldnā€™t care less about mythic).

I DO want Ukkonen because the dispel protection would be perfect for many of my buffing heroes and his damage is decent so I would find him useful and I am sure you can also find a team he compliments well.

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@Sternman : thanks for writing inā€¦. I have a good enough roster to play Wo3K & hence, want to complete heroes with unique specialsā€¦.
Recent arrival of costume Jabber sparked that I can complete both wing whackers for dealing with Kalo & MoNo combos in rush :smiling_imp:

  • Benefits for titans, etc is additionalā€¦.

So, Ukk will have to waitā€¦.

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Im not following you. Mok is oneof the most useless heros in the game. Up there with sslmon Loki and myzyterio. Lol i have them all. Why would you thin this is a usable good combo?
Thanks in advance!
Leroy Jenkins

Meh ill just pair him with aramis got both immunity to dispel and ailments then

You can reset ukkonenā€™s health regen with mokā€™s friendly fire since itā€™s special skill damage

Level 80 version with Attack ā†’ Def ā†’ Hp emblem path


I was only trying to show a guy I work with about the game and how summons worked! :flushed::grimacing: I got no complaints! I donā€™t spend much so I takes what I gets!


Defense path for reference. I love mine, great on offense and def.


Who do you suggest pairing him with on a raid defense?


Mine is sitting 3-70. I am unsure if I ascend him. Those are some great numbers and makes me think if I do, maybe go defense versus Attack

Just got mine today. Canā€™t be happier as the attack down is massive. As there is a dot heal, he will be decent in both ways. Canā€™t wait to max him up in defense.


Ukkonen sems to be out of tune with other cards of Kalevalla familyā€¦ even thouh a musician!
That is because all members pass ailments to enemies (Aino, Kullervo, Iku, Vaina, Luhi even his own -40%attack) so a special to make buffs undispellable seems allmost useless (if you want to have other family members with him and get the family bonus).
A more suited special would be smth like ā€œrefreshes ailments on enemiesā€.
Then he would worth a place in the Kalevalla family!

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you know hes the prime choice for giga spending alliances right now?

Are you sureā€¦?
Anyway, as said, his specal could be made to fit with his family member,s specials.