Troop leveling in PoV



If you are an even somewhat serious player the other 5 quests are a joke. I’m already done with both raids and enemies quest. The other three are also an absolute given for anyone who plays at least once a day.


I think this PoV will be easier. There’s no summoning quest, so I’ll probably have no trouble taking every challenge to max. So far, I never compleated the last tier of the summoning quests… That one’s not for f2p.

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Wdym? Im lost here. And confused

I manage to complete each one of them while being F2P :laughing:

Silver Tokens love me :rofl:

Think we been playing since the same time.

The highest I made it in the other POVs was 42. I’m not much of a grinder. But up til yesterday I’d actually completed each of the daily tasks :stuck_out_tongue: so ya know. Was on a roll hah.

As a result, if a buffer has existed, it has been something I wasn’t very concerned with.

(I try to be fun2play, if it isn’t fun I don’t do it :stuck_out_tongue: what I find fun varies ya know )

Appreciate you posting this number. I guess it depends how many times we will see troop leveling, 6, 10? Could easily wipe out a third of that buffer. Which, is a nice buffer… moving on.

Well, actually, with a reasonable amount of planning SG certainly could boil POV down to activities that all players can complete.

Should they? I dunno. I tend to think so. FWIW when I saw those S3 daily missions I immediately wondered about how new players felt about that. Seems like a kick in the pants to me. Totally unnecessary.

I’d GUESS SG’s rationale is somewhere along the lines of “pacing” the game?. Not wanting to be giving a free 4* AM to new players? I dunno. It’s hard to guess at their intent when they include “achievements” that some people just flat won’t be able to touch.

Which really, at its core is what this thread is about. So I appreciate you posting that.

In the quality improvement world, the most valuable resource is a complaint. It Can drive improvement as a problem is uncovered.

Imagine this scenario: you’re in the hospital, you’re OK just a touch of garden variety pneumonia. You hit your call light and no one responds for 15 minutes. No problem you just had a small question. It happens four more times before you’re discharged where you hit your call light and there is no response.

Now you get discharged and a post discharge follow up call from the hospital, they ask “how was your stay.” You say it was good, the staff was friendly, the food was OK. You leave out the call light thing.

Couple possibilities: 1) they already know their call light response is poor and are either working on it or seriously incompetent. 2) they don’t know and the issue is either Personnel or technical. Maybe they’re not properly staffed - either quantity of quality of individuals. Your feedback would reinforce this to the hospital and help drive better staffing.

But what if it’s a technical issue? What if there’s a short in the wiring between your call light and the nurses’ station? Your room is the only one affected, and they simply aren’t aware because sometimes the signal just doesn’t reach the desk. Do you think hearing “yeah it’s so odd I called five times and they just didn’t respond at all…” would be valuable to the hospital?

What about, would you offering that “complaint” be valuable to the next PATIENT, and their family who wants them to have good care? HELL YES.

“But that’s healthcare” - complaints are a useful tool across the smorgasbord of living. They make someone aware of a problem.

Obviously the suggestion you’re making is that this complaint is not a worthy one. I disagree. I think there is an opportunity for improvement here that could benefit the player experience in the next POV.

What is the improvement? For me I’m leaning towards ‘make POV’ more approachable for all players. There isn’t any particular reason to box new players out of specific daily missions entirely. They’re already at a disadvantage on every other component of the POV. There also isn’t any good reason to come up with daily missions that can’t be completed by a large % of the player base due to availability of a builder. Players have no way to plan for it, so it comes down to good old fashioned roll of the dice. Which we already got plenty of, do we really need it in our daily missions, too?

So, in closing. You’re welcome for my complaints.

At least you understand me!


Yes, I also had the means to do it, I just didn’t see the point in that… I prefered to start hoarding them as soon as I get to the last tier of the summoning challenge.

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Isn’t it called ‘Path of Valor’, not ‘Path of Everyone Can Complete’?

/flame-suit on!


I agree with @Dan7. Path of Valor was released as a new content in-game for veteran, advanced and even mid-tier players, alleviating them from the usual monotony of the previous grinding. It serves as a new source of ascension materials and emblems, among others. Playing and geinding daily, POV rewards those players with the goodies, junk or whatnot. That’s the valor part. I really don’t see the logic why newbies NEED also to accomplish everything in the game. For me, they MUST also face the grind first as we did in order to “earn” the capability to complete all tasks and missions. Newbies can’t expect to decently battle 14* titans, finish quest trials, ToL, special and seasonal events.

With daily grinding play, i was able to complete all 50 milestones for the 3 previous POVs, even doing still the daily challenges and claiming all valor points even if I already reached the 50th milestone more than a week before the POV ended. Force of habit I guess.


As the target audience, I’m saying I’m not happy with having my success on this particular mission boil down to luck - whether ive randomly got a free builder or barracks sitting around.

I’d think that would make sense.

Not asking for the moon and stars here boys, just some common sense.

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This is Path of Participation :rofl:

They even tied the Daily Challenges toward a Valor Challenge. :man_facepalming:t2:


I am playing since 1st april2020. Reached lvl40 in PoV2, reached 48 in PoV3, looking for lvl50 in PoV4.

Who’s the chick in the FB bubble? Is that someone related to ghost that you are all trying to not tell ghost about? How are you confused, you literally have this all in plain sight. I feel bad for ghost, but loose lips sinks ships, so it’s probably best to keep it hush hush and not hurt him.

Why not set your base up like this? Has been working fine for me. Leave one forge at 20 and use when needed. Leave a lodge, barracks a HA. Been working well for me since HA came and I’ve been upgrading HA since it came out. I use the forge when needed.

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It is the chat in the picture you posted earlier.

The fact that it requires a builder to be available to switch buildings is the underlying problem.

There hasn’t been a problem that waiting couldn’t solve until HA and PoV were live together. Players fully capable of doing the tasks cannot reasonably* complete them because these quests are 24hr and they may not have a builder for a week.

*reasonably because I find speeding with thousands of gems or using farms/mines as HA/HL/barracks unreasonable.

^Suggestion is a year old!


@Duaneski Though I do feel your annoyance as I have experienced the same in the previous POV, but I have seen you in the forum for quite some time already as you have joined this forum officially months ahead of me. This forum in fact has already informed us of that or you probably just missed reading Early Information on the UPDATED Third & Fourth Path of Valor posted some time in May this year. Since this has already made known, this is my first point. Upgrading the Barracks at any point during the POV is a risk not accomplishing one or two daily challenges. It was just unfortunate that those daily missions coincide while you are upgrading the Barracks out of all the 50-day duration of the POV.

My second point is, even skipping 2 or 3 or more daily challenges, Path of Valor can still be fully accomplished and get to the 50th Milestone. Its just that you need to complete the Valor challenges. This was already pointed out in some posters above. So, don’t fret. You’ll get all those junk and whatnot goodies in the POV still.

Aye, that’s what I’m thinking…

I’m… not sure. What I have:
Four TC20
1 HA
1 AL
1 forge
1 HL
Then ya know. Full suite of iron storage, food storage, houses, farms and mines…

guess I could swap a farm over to a barracks - maybe that’s what you did. I’ll probably do that. I rarely run out of food anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Won’t they repeat these daily challenges? I expect we will see them 3+ times?

Also, I didn’t read that thread. I don’t think it’d make sense from a design perspective to expect players to read one specific beta beat thread on a mostly underused forum :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, I won’t :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s not the fault of anyone except me, and I don’t really mind either haha.

I’m shooting for tier 40, anything above is gravy :stuck_out_tongue: (I regularly forget to finish Morlovia style missions, :stuck_out_tongue: )

This PoV thing doesn’t tick me off because I’m losing rewards. It ticks me off because it doesn’t make any darned sense to me for it to have been chosen as a daily mission, the builder req to convert has always been a pain in the butt / unnecessary, and to me seemed like a way for SG to sell VIP.

So all in all not happy. Tho I guess I am gonna demolish a farm and turn it into a barracks. Might hurt population morale but desperate times and whatnot :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually like having a lot of Forges, as I make a lot of anti-titan gear quickly:

I used one for a Hunter’s Lodge, and I’ll prolly use another for HA when I get there…but I can’t imagine only having one Forge… :thinking::grin:


I don’t hate the idea, but I would rather mass build on one forge. What I normally do is if I need let’s say time stops, before I go to bed, I’ll dump everything I have into forge 20 and let it build up while I’m sleeping. Sure, it will cost me a grip of iron, but I’m set on time stops for awhile.