Trading between established alliance members

All members of our alliance and I’m sure many many others would like to see trading available between alliance members. A limit on trades per week or a stipulation that you have to have been a member for a specified amount of time would enable the game to still be challenging in getting what you need, but would also allow us to possibly get materials we wait months for at times. Or to offload some things we have a substantial amount of and pass that along to others who could put it to use. I would certainly think a stipulation on having been in the alliance for at least 30 days (or ??) would be necessary to keep people from jumping in and asking for materials randomly, as I’m sure they will if allowed to do so. I think 30 days is an adequate amount of time to discourage this but also to allow your new members relatively quick access to trading. Also limiting a person from receiving more than 3 trades per ?? Would help with that as well as enable you to keep everyone having to still work to fulfill our needs.

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