Thunderclap ability fix

Please give consideration to changing the language in Thunderclap’s ability to buff him. I see that Tremor was released with an ability that triggers if it is removed (before the 5 turns are up). I think this should apply to Thunderclap as well to make him a viable threat (also, given that they’re the same family).

This is discussed at length in the Thunderclap topic and I think it could make a slow hero much more worthy of the mats:

Thank you!

Just a sad gorilla without a fix


I was wondering where is that 500-1000 damage he has never dealt to me when I faced him a few times.


Bump! Anybody else feel this gorilla needs some love from SG?

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With the nerf to Alpha taunt this past update, this hero is in need of a fix more than ever. Please & thanks SG!