šŸµ Thunderclap ā€“ 5* Holy / Yellow from Jungle Hunters

dispel neutralise him completely and doesnā€™t seem to trigger his damage

a bit on the underwhelming side but not bad


Is he useful outside of rush? What is the net gain for those of us who have Kara already?

Lb2 investment but that is pretty much true for the other taunters.

His delayed attack? Guessing itā€™s similar to Wolfgang. Does anyone use Wolf? Never see on defense and if I do easy win.

also soon boosted health will be wiped out by health reducers. Iā€™m saving my darts, he can have my farts.

Borahae :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


So for the damage after 5 turns, will this happen like Guillenbursti where it hits if removed and still works for equalizer wars and the like, or is it like Wolfgang where it just will never fire?


Iā€™m a fan of Thunderclap and wrote a post about him on my blog:

Thank you!


To me, he looks like a bad titan hero

I like this hero. At first thought great for rush but didnā€™t take dispell into consideration. Nonetheless would really love to pull this guy out of the portal.
Congratulations to those who score this guy and
Good luck everyone else!


This guy is far inferior to Ludwig on defense - you have 5 turns to kill him or get a single dispell on him, which is an eternity.
On offense he might have some potential still.


I wonder if pairing him with Guinevere for the defence against dark would help?
I can see the dispellers winking :wink: at Kong

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I met him while raiding. I tiledumped into him until he renewed his count, so he couldnā€™t damage me. Worked well.

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He will probably pair very well with queen Gouwang

His damage counter doesnt reset when he casts.


Anyone have the heroā€™s title/alias in English? Needed for wiki entry. Thanks.

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Just faced Thunderclap, heā€™s def not op.
I took him out easily and i sux! :rofl:
He wasnā€™t the problem, the rest of the team was, I was facing ogima/thunderclap/double limit broken Hathor/ double limit broken Ludwig/ double limit broken Jove
Their team power was 5632 in the top 100
Had costume Sabina wink at kong and a few sets of tiles thrown into him and he was toast.
Again I donā€™t know why the algorithm sets me up against these monster teams but I wasnā€™t gunna reroll, just couldnā€™t pass up the chance to test out thunderclap lol :joy:


Strange. I made him re-cast twice and didnā€™t notice taking any damage

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Itā€™s ā€˜Enraged Gorillaā€™.

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So verdict, heā€™s definitely not suited for defense as the 5 turns is way to easy to counter. He should have the same as Gullinbursti when status gets dispelled does dmg anyways.

On offense, slow and then another 5 turns before he finally does damage (if not removed earlier)ā€¦

Overall, will finish level him to 3.70 but not give him the mats. To bad, he looks cool but another let down Iā€™m afraid.


Much appreciated! Thanks for the swift response!

Yeah he looks :eyes: like a beast :gorilla:but is actually a big teddybear :teddy_bear:


Not a fan of this one unfortunately so oh course I pulled him. Hopefully he gets a little buff at some point because he doesnā€™t do much.

Before you go crazy, hear me out -It sounds good but in reality you can just kill him with specials, tiles or dispel which is actually quite easy given heā€™s slow and needs an extra 4 turns if you do that heā€™s not doing anything other than being a slow taunt with no buff to teammates like other taunt heroes.

So if thatā€™s the case, Kara is better yellow taunt 8/10 times unless his special and delayed damage goes off and if that happens you would have probably won anyway

What am I missing?

Edit - donā€™t get me wrong heā€™s decent but imo very far from OP and given my current yellow projects not on my personal Ascension plan


Also compared to Ludwig his delayed damage is worse as itā€™s easy to dispel and by that time Ludwig has already given 2 heroes loads of mana and specials gone off. Hmn