Thumb out looking for a ride?

We need a couple of new players around level 50 to join our new alliance. We are a team of 8 experienced players (most around level 70) who broke away from the overbearing war rules.

We are all competitive but enjoy being a bit more chill.

POV is basically over so come on over and see what you think.


We’ve got 7 places in Crew-Barons (could get it to 8, as a couple have indicated a willingness to move to a sister alliance temporarily for the greater good). We run a fairly relaxed war strategy, if you’re willing to consider a merger into a group closer to your level.

At this stage we’d prefer to grow slowly than merge but will keep it in mind. Thanks for the message :blush:

Hi @R6mene , saw your response to mpolo/Crew-Barons but still would like to make another merge offer in case you change your mind on this!

I represent Shadow Elysium which is a merger of two great alliances (Shadow Warriors and Akkadian Elysium) of the same spirit, which perhaps can be described as “casual serious”. As a few members have dropped off lately due to lack of time, we are currently 21 members (ranging roughly from level 55 to 90) but would not mind getting close to 30 again, so your group would be a perfect size merge. If you would join us we would offer a couple of co-lead positions for you guys and also be open to discussions on strategies, name change etc. We do have a coordinated war strategy (we attack weaker targets and let them respawn in two attack waves before going for the all-in attack), but if you need to use your flags at any certain point our most important rule is “screw the strategy and attack if you must!” :slight_smile: And while we like you are competetive and like to win, there is a common understanding that real life has to come first!

Some more info: we are from several different countries and time zones with a slight dominance of North America (I am from Sweden myself), and a mix of male and female members. English language in the chat(s). Many members are very active in fun and interesting chat discussions regarding the game, whereas others just play the game, it is up to you. There is a real family feel to the alliance, and if needed you get a lot of support also on the personal level. We have an optional Line group which is highly recommended, where we can post pictures, ask polls etc. and also have a separate Line group with the awesome “Wise Goat” plugin which you can ask questions regarding virtually every aspect of the game. But everyone is not using it, so it is totally up to you. Also, a few of us have started using where we have an alliance you can join if you like. There we can look at each others heroes, teams etc. as a base for discussions. Like Line that is just a bonus if you like it and not required.
We have very good flag usage in wars and against titans in general, but there is a common understanding that real life issues can prevent you from playing sometimes (we do opt out of wars if we know this in advance). We currently fight 10-11* titans.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this post or contact me on Line (magicrebel is my ID). Or one of you can make a join request and try us out for a while and see what you think! If you are interested, I would need of course need to discuss it with the other leaders and the entire team before we went through with the merger.

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