The Truth About the Tower Events

Here’s the simple truth about both of the tower events. They’re BORING and TEDIOUS. Nobody, except perhaps a few masochists, enjoy either of these events.

  • The events are too long (25 stages is 10 stages too many, not to mention the bonus stages)
  • Each stage takes way too long to complete (it takes hours to finish the event with your teams intact; a single stage can often take over 10 minutes to complete)
  • The oni curses come way too often (this is why it’s so TEDIOUS to complete; you’re spending more time managing the curses than you are killing enemies)
  • It’s just not enjoyable to spend so much time throwing tiles at boring normal enemies that have high defense. There is a reason why normal map stages have an auto attack function and raids do not… because everybody hates farming and auto makes it bearable. So what you have done is take a hard map stage, make it even more tedious and boring, and then call it an event.
  • The rewards for spending your precious time suck:
    A handful of emblems and 1 free summon with 1% chance of getting anything good.

The only reason why anybody looks forward to these events are for summoning good heroes. (Edit: and of course the ninja troops). The event itself is utterly awful. It needs to be shortened significantly, reduce the rate of oni curses, increase the duration of the curse to 4 turns, make the waves of enemies easier to kill, or some combination of these.



And conversely I have zero interest in the summon and I LOVE the event. The fun for me is later on when you get all the blessings and you play in a different way to the rest of the game it’s my favorite event of all. To each their own!


That was for you then :wink:


I will say I have no strong feelings either way. But I didn’t do one level of this most recent ninja tower….:grimacing:


I overall like this event… dont get me wrong, i agree that the event is tedious and i get really stressed out by the oni curses, but the blessings kinda supercharge my team and thus make me play the game in a different way-

Some in game thoughts: do i make the 5 tile match? But it would potentially isolate that purple oni tile (2 counts away) from the other purple tiles… Do i use a tornado now? Oh its probably fine that magni gets the curse but not gullinbursti!!

But in the end I understand how some people could hate or dislike or are bored with this event but nobody is forcing you to play this event. You can very well skip the entire event. You can play only upto the 10th stage only. Its all ok. Its just a game. :grinning:


Current status of my ninja thing… guess it speaks for it self about how much I enjoy it…


Couldn’t agree more… and the fact that you could only clear 10 levels a day also kills the mood.


The man took two xnolphods. He says “im enjoying from tower”. sure you will enjoy it. this is so stupid!


This is the day where the “Puzzles” in “Empire and Puzzles” died. And the Empire will die as well…


I dont like tower now, to compete on high floor they want our 250 gem / 5 flask or more. Feel who pay it will protect themself from competitor that poor on gem. 250 gem is not easy to get, need 3+ weeks maybe.

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I hate to be “that guy”, but this is not the truth, but your vision of it. If someone likes the tower, let em enjoy it. However I agree that this is the less liked event to me.

The truth imho Is that this is one of the buggiest event from what I recall, with at least 3 different issues (one completely stopped all the players for 20% of the duration, one affected all the players with a medium-good roster).
Also, in this iteration players quickly starts to lose interest in the event, on saturday morning around 10.30 AM GMT+1 less than 70 people completed impossible. Those are extremely small numbers.
Those are the things we should aim to stop


1 Week if you are super zealous, 10 days if you take it more casually. 3+ weeks means you barely farm any gems at all.

In general, I agree that the Ninja Tower is tedious and grinding event, with little ingenuity added on the Impossible floors. However, with the right selection of heroes (even 4*/3*) the only real problem are curses. And avoiding curses really puts “Puzzles” back into Empires & Puzzles. It’s very challenging unless of course one has the OP heroes to breeze through the levels or to make infinite 2xXnolphod mana combo on turn 1, never even seeing a curse.

For me, this event is all about the emblems, as they are never in sufficient quantity. Hero summoning odds are horrible and unlike the Tower of Magic where there are two very useful 3* heroes, here we have 0 3* ninjas (and if we had any they would be Vlad-like material, I’m certain of it). And emblems require either some hard work on your part or, if you pay to play, buying them from various offers. I prefer working for my emblems.

Most players are actually using all of the free energy before dabbing into their flasks, which would explain why on Saturday morning only a few p2w had completed the whole thing. However by the time I completed it, I was at around 2000th place, which means that at least 2000, more likely even more have actually completed Impossible, which is still a small % however not that small (probably around 2-2.5% of all players participating in the event).


For me, the big thing is how long they take. Once I get to Saturday and Sunday, when the choice is going out to get some fresh air, or spend 2 hours a day chained to my phone, I cut my losses. I think I got to like level 8 on Impossible. I had flags to get to 14 (tried to take my 3* too long), but no inclination whatsoever to dip into flasks. I was in the “15 emblem” level (just barely - 95498th place).

The curses are frustrating, but do add a puzzle/challenge. I think they could/should be slightly modified, but they’re more or less enjoyable (if item intensive if you’ve got a good hero you need to keep in the game). (Much more enjoyable than the last level of S4 hard, with the “I’ll just make 3 more Underwild gems every 2-3 turns.” Not going to be replaying that one any time soon. Finished and out-a-there.)


Let say we dont play every 4 hour like mystic vision come, we dont play on big alliance or big titan. How to get 25 gem per day like casual way that you said.

And beside that i sometime use my 75 gem per week to keep my rank tourney into top 1/5 %. so this gem paying of tower event very disturb me.

Well, you have to watch at least 5 MV daily. And you don’t necessarily need to kill titans above 6*, those drop 4 gems on average. We calculated the gem gains for a f2p in another topic, including all of the sources (all kinds of chests, titans, Path of Valor, etc). And the general agreement and calculations were that with not that much effort one could get at least 750 gems monthly.

Well I disagree a little as the puzzle is working out how best to play it. Certain heroes make it easier I grant but that’s no different from any part of this game.

For me the game now gives a lot of different events and people should pick and choose what parts they like and dislike.

I always fall back to Call of Duty for my example. I like Multiplayer but there are certain maps that I can’t stand. So I skip them. I like Warzone but don’t like Rebirth Island so I won’t play it. Just because it is there doesn’t mean you have to like it or play it. There’s a lot of options for how you want to spend your time.

So for people that don’t like the Towers they can choose not to play them. And that’s totally fine.

I mean I’ve never played a game in my life where there wasn’t a mode or option I didn’t really like. Even Civilisation, my favourite PC game ever, has modes I don’t play. But if you did play them then that’s totally fine as well.

But people seem to want E&P content to be 100% exactly what they want and that’s just not realistic to expect from any game, let alone a match 3 puzzle game.


I find those 25 levels over 5 days or so bearable. Remaining 50 stages I find ridiculous and I don’t play them. Imo, those are nothing but the waste of time that can be used e in more productive way. As someone said, to each their own. :joy:


This event needs to be revamped. I enjoy Empires but this one completely turns me off. It’s the length, with each level being at the minimum 4min as you are trying to reduce curses. Please modify this. I’m not at all concerned about completing it, just doing the 10 levels in a reasonable time.

Ok maybe you right, but i dont play like waiting mystic vision comr, i feel i just get 400-500 monthly. but that paywall still weighs on me, when we get old event free gem to play, and now must using gem. They make harder longer, when my hero still just ordinary, i know i can complete that and get extra xp,food,iron,recruit,emblem,coin. But still that new one and gem paywall dispoint me, make me pay and my final reward not great as old event final reward, because harder level.

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Same here, I don’t really enjoy that paywall being vc2p myself (only ViP). However it’s up to each and everyone of us to decide how to use their limited amount of gems. For me, emblems are in high demand, which is why at the moment I don’t mind spending 250 gems for 250+ emblems and 120k+ xp from the last 25 impossible floors and final ranking score.

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