The Ridiculous Complaints thread

Thanks, I moved it so they can get actual help instead of ridiculousness. :wink:


Thank you for your vigilance. Not sure we could have survived without your ability to separate something as grotesque as a REAL complaint. Oh, just the thought gives me the heebie jeebies. shudder


I would like to complain on behalf of all the workers who walk aimlessly around all the time. no wonder. Where do they live? Nowhere to sit down, no coffee shops for a quick cup, no bars. . etc

The “houses” are for recruits, not even family members.

I demand some facilities ASAP or the union will get involved!


I thought Vivica opened a bar after Province 16 is cleared.


@kikyo I have to complain that in the context of the General Discussion content you are skating on the thin edge of unridiclousness here. Your refind sense of parody may require an overhaul. Please consult the user manual and dont forget to agree to the EULA.

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Congrats on being promoted to moderator. You are obviously deserving. Well done.

My wife mentioned that anchor quit. So I came to read his farewell post. Then I read his discord announcement. This Renewed my hatred of SG.

So I went on a profanity laden bender around the forum.

I don’t really have a ridiculous complaint. I’m sad about the game. Disappointed really.

And since I was here for the day wanted to stop by and say “hi” to you all. Hope you are well. Enjoy the life.

Planning to go away again for a while. Being on these forums really just ticks me off anyway hah. And I get this compulsion to read and reply to everything, and then check back on my replies :stuck_out_tongue: so ya know. Gotta stay away :wink:

Until the next story breaks, or until I’m ready to quit the game anyway :slight_smile: (maybe soon!)


Thanks for the congrats, and for saying hi!

I look forward to seeing you back whenever it feels enjoyable and productive for you. :slight_smile:

And I share your concerns, even if I may not express them quite so vividly. :wink:


Over the last couple months, I have found my time playing this game taking up an exorbitant amount of my time. My time is limited only by the amount of Energy Refill Flasks I can accumulate. As an f2p, this is becoming quite an issue. Therefor, I demand recompense of 100,000 gems so that I can keep myself comfortably imbibed with various Energy Flasks. Or, if you would prefer, I’ll accept 500,000 gems to pay for my much needed addiction therapy. --Thank you for your consideration and I will be sure to notify you upon receipt of my extra gems.

Alice’s eyes are bloodshot! I want to complain…


Maybe you should try drinking potions all day, and see what it does to your eyes! :stuck_out_tongue:


Your eyes would be bloodshot too if you were a 7-year-old girl being tortured with positional numeral systems, converse relations, and modular arithmetic concepts by creepy animals.


I would like to complain about the very long and seemingly well supported thread that was recently started on “Toxic Tea on the forums”.

I don’t think we should be talking about toxic beverages of any sort, this is a gaming forum not a murder club or recipe site (sometimes hard to tell the difference now a days) for heavens sake.

I mean what kind of message are we sending to the newbies…toxic tea…geeesh.

But if we are going to discuss deadly beverages on the forum, imo it should be restricted to classics like arsenic in elderberry wine. I’m sure Mr. Grants ghost would agree.


I have an old family recipe for brucine from Mme de Villefort. As I understand it, it is a curative for strokes.


Brucine? Hmmm. You know, there are actually very few medical complaints that don’t abate immediately upon death…


Ok my newest complaint.

Earlier today I logged into the game and found I had been raided. Clicking the revenge button I saw the defense was not so tough so I set up an attack team and proceeded to revenge. Unfortunately I got a really bad starting board that did not really improve and lost. Then i retried and got a better board and won easily.

After exiting fro the raid screen I discovered I still had an hour to wait for my hero chest to become available. Arrrgh!!! Eight heroes I will not get any credit for! That is entirely unacceptable.

There should be a mechanism to automatically postpone the completion of any raids until after the chest is available. Then I will not have to constantly remind myself to check if the hero chest is available before raiding. This is a convenience that SGG MUST provide.

Thank you for listening with the appropriate attention that this matter deserves.


Don’t worry, I’m suuuuure the raids will go just as smoothly once the chest is ready to go. :slight_smile:


But I can’t re-revenge …

This is ridiculous! There is just no fathomable way that Guardian Panther should be able to do that much damage with a glazed donut!

image image

(You’ll never see that the same way again, will you? :P)


The 210% damage is cholesterol


The lesson: Don’t play E&P when you’re hungry.

Corollary: Don’t post to the E&P forum when you’re hangry.