The Ridiculous Complaints thread

Can confirm farming #rc830 and #bugs-issues increases drop rate of legendary “like-related” crafting and ascension materials


As it turns out, I used literally my last :heart: on this. The very next thing I went to like got me the dreaded “maximum number of likes” message.


See, if you could earn a like for using a like you could merrily like away ad infinitum.


Hmm, endless likes. :thinking:

This reminds me of the Where do trophies come from? thread.

Maybe we need an Elo System for :heart:. :face_with_monocle:


Aw MAN. Now I gotta deal with “like” droppers too?


And another juicy source of complaints is born.

“Man why can’t I beat a player who’s like 300 likes below me?”

Better add to RC(T)830


Take your best shot, my friend. I kicked it off, but I feel like the whole rct community owns it at this point. So if you’ve got a new entry for the “complaints checklist,” I’m sure we’d all enjoy seeing it :smiley:

The forums are pretty harsh today, and we could all use a good laugh or two.

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I want to complain that you sir @Garanwyn like too much! You like so much that you are even giving out cups when you raid!


Not I, I’m afraid. I’m rocking a Santa avatar at the moment.

But if you do find me, c’mon in. Beer’s in the fridge to the right of the watchtower door. Cups are on the left :laughing:


Such a gracious host!

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Oh for the love of Pete!

Who’s Pete you say? Ummm, short for Peters? Or short for Petri? Or perhaps I have an unknown sixth sense into what the future holds for future Hotms? I know…perish that thought :rofl:.

Anywho, I got “slightly” off track there. Now, where was I???

Oh yes!!!

Today’s topic of the month (is there such a thing, I don’t know but I guess there is now) is “Raids Suck” - well , I never knew they sucked? Did you? And what does a raid suck? The heroes that I hoped and dreamt for all my life but only got another 4*? Or, does it in fact mean that whilst raiding you don’t “kill” the enemy but in actual fact “suck the life” out of them?

“Raids are Unfair” - well yes they are! The reason? I hear you ask, is that they’re played in the Gold, Platinum, Diamond Arena’s and NOT at a Fair! So yes, they are Un-Fair.

“Thank You for Ignoring Us” - you’re welcome! However, I’d suggest not thanking me as I’m ignoring you…so talk to the :raised_hand: coz the :ear:ain’t listening.

I do hope I’ve cleared a few things up for you, however if not then please write a note. Give it me, I’ll pass it on to the Pilot to throw out the window.

You’re welcome :grin:


I wish to complain.
Since the Ridiculous complaints thread hit 1000 replies, there has been a rash of wanna be copy cat threads, all over using the ridiculous thread…

Such as the ‘ridiculous bragging’ thread and the ‘trials of fortitude are ridiculous’ thread.

Imitation is not a form of flattery, it is an indicator of a lack of any original thought. It is the indicator of insecurity, copying something successful for their own success.


I think the moderators should close any other thread with the word ‘ridiculous’ in it’s title, or merge them immediately with this thread.

I also wish to complain about the communities inability to spell ridiculous correctly in these other imposter threads. I mean i have seen double i’s (ridiclous), a complete removal of u’s (ridicilos) or even a complete denial of the ‘c’ (ridilious).

It is making my eye’s hurt, please bring an end to the madness of over using misspelt ridiculousness.


The Lord has Spoken !
20 characters


Believe it or not, there is actually already an #ideas-feature-requests thread with the title “Assigned Spoofs Are Ridiculous And Poorly Distributed.”

So apparently you’re not alone in noticing this issue. I just really wonder: who’s in charge of assigning spoofs?


Had to look that one up to find out what “spoofs” referred to. :face_with_monocle:

Spoofs, spoils, booty all in one post…guess we need to update The Fictionary.


I must complain that

Is getting so much attention now.
Its just ridiculous!


And I MUST complain that its so ridiculous that LSLordy has beaten me with the complaning about the ridicolousness of threads like

I am so ridiculously upset at @LSLordy


Thank you for pointing out this glorious thread. Because of your dedication to complaining, I now have an additional location to spew my unoriginal content. My ego can fully blossom into the full insecure narcissist that it is! Now, isn’t that ridiculooos…rediculis…rididolous…or however we are butchering the locution today.

Many thanks,


eye no issnt it redikulus


You almost sound like a cockney there @General_Confusion
… only almost, mind