The Rage family (RageagainsttheRNG) (ShrubbearyFieldsForever)(TenaciousE&P)
RAGE AGAINST THE RNG - Our competitive alliance. (10 spaces available)
Cup requirement 1000 – Commitment to Raging is more important.
Hitting 10 to 11* titans All flags must be used. (13-14 when full).
We have a structured war strategy in place with Nature tanks & ice and fire flanks. All war flags must be used.
International alliance with people from all around the globe - English speaking
Our Discord really is the heart of our family over 40 members, between us we have over 2years of knowledge and experience. The Discord is jam packed with a wealth of knowledge, tips and information. Very active, chatty and friendly. Being a multi national alliance there is always someone online to answer any questions. 18+ Adult humour – Don’t believe me come say hi and hang out with us!!