Rage against the rng looking for you!

Hey there !

The Rage family is recruiting! We have lost a few members recently to the dreaded… “REAL LIFE” so would like to get a few fresh faces in to grow with us.

We are a family of 3 alliance’s with 0 requirements other than time spent on the game.

Rage Against The RNG : you play every day, rarely miss titans, always use 6 flags in war.

Shrubbeary Fields 4Ever: you play most days, sometimes miss a flag or titan

Tenacious E&P: You play a couple of times a week or are very new to the game.

Rage are hitting 10/11 star titans
SFF 7/8 Star titans
Tenacious 4/5 star titans

We have a super active discord where all 3 guilds chat and have a laugh if that’s your thing, 60 members of all levels from all around the world making it an active and super friendly place to chat and learn more about the game. We also hold internal raid competitions, we stream, upload to YouTube and just generally hang out.

Feel free to drop in and visit us if you are interested in joining! Spend some time with us to get a feel for the alliance, we look forward to meeting you !

Possible merge opportunities also :laughing:

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