☠ The Pirate Horde – a rich history, a glorious future. Rum! Join us! Yaarrr!

Why not add me @jordanhamtheman

We’ve got 1 spot available for a new pirate! :pirate_flag:

I’m committed to the war our alliance is currently in but would be interested in being on the waitlist (if y’all fill up already).

Line ID: cja099

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Just sent you an invite on Line!

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Hi, interested! Current group all defected last day or so…

Line ID - Agleizer

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Just sent you an invite too!

We’re back to waitlist only, if you’re interested in joining, reply here with your LINE ID, and I’ll add you to our group chat!

Yarrrrr :skull_and_crossbones:


So even mods have to recruit :cold_sweat::scream::fearful:

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I know, it took us 4 whole hours to fill our spot :anguished::cold_sweat::scream:


One of our members is taking a break to help out old friends with starting a new alliance, so we’ve got 1 spot for a new Pirate! :pirate_flag::crossed_swords:

If you’re interested in joining or learning more, reply here with your LINE ID, and I’ll add you to our group chat. Yarrrrrr!

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Oh no! I just got into a new Alliance! Terrible timing :frowning:

Good luck finding a new pirate, Z!


Enjoy the new alliance! :slightly_smiling_face:

Very interested.

Line id: C. Occam

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Hey @C.Occam!

I wasn’t able to find you with that LINE ID. It might be that it’s your display name, but not your account ID.

Can you check under Settings :gear: > Profile > LINE ID, and see if it’s set there?

Sometimes that’s blank by default, or it could be set to something else. It’s also possible that the “allow others to add me by ID” might be disabled.

True indeed.

Line id: c.occam

No space

We’re back to waitlist only!

If you’re interested in joining, drop a note with your LINE ID, and I’ll add you to our group chat. :skull_and_crossbones:

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Signed up the forum just for posting this! But have been reading some and find ur posts objective, balanced and informative. Learned a lot. Thank you. Level 55. Line ID: kclshadow


Hi @kcl, welcome to the Forum, and thanks!

I just sent an invite on Line. :slightly_smiling_face:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Forum Help Available Here!

Dropping my Line ID here (the_pirate_king) in case you guys have an opening in the near future. :slight_smile: