The meta is changing for good!

While repeatedly reading complaints in the forum that the game is heading in the wrong direction, will be dead in a year, and in general everything is getting worse etc. etc. I actually see the quite differently.

But before I explain my point of view, a few words about Telluria: Yes, she is a little OP and brought imbalance to the game. There are enough other threads discussing whether she needs to be nerfed or on what other way a rebalance could be done. Please not make this another Telly-thread!

But despite all the moaning about Telluria, let’s focus on all the other changes in the past year:
When I was relatively new to the game (I started October 2018), I had the feeling meta was mostly fast snipers and here and there a utility hero and healers. There were synergies but to a lot lower degree than now. At least this is my impression. I felt the really strong heroes were kinda boring while the heroes with the more interesting specials were often to squishy or too slow to compete with them. But I think that changed, i see much more AoE-defenses now, minions becoming more relevant. And in general with all the new heroes with new specials bring so more possibilities to the game. Not just talking about 5 stars here, also the new epic and the rare heroes add variety to the game, making 3 star tourneys much more interesting. With Alfrike even a very slow has been released that I think will really shine in future.

And while many people claiming the power creep is getting to high, I see costume chamber already doing a good job in fixing that. I mean, cRigard is probably the most OP 4 star in the game, but yet even for ftp and c2p relatively easy to obtain.

Heroes that have been collecting dust in the roster for a long time, now finally get their time where they can shine. (I am really thinking of giving emblems to Gobbler or CoD, though I hated them and regret to level them until Telluria and Freya came).

I think there is not the one most effective tactic anymore, there are plenty.

I also don’t think that you need all the new heroes to be able to compete. If you wanna compete in the top 100 maybe, but necessarily to stay in diamond. A few vanillas are still considered top heroes, especially with costume. And with emblems you can make even the weaker ones usable. An Azlar with emblems will be able to survive and he just has to charge once if you pair him with a defdowner. I still use him in my red team and I don’t think I will withdraw his emblems for Malosi, as long as I don’t get a new red 5* that will replace him. Also an emblemed Quintus can be useful I think, especially with cTiburtus. For ftp and even c2p players with limited rosters I think this is a totally viable option to pimp them.

So, that’s my 2 cents. What do you think?

Getting prepared for the storm…

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