The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 2)

My research supports this, though I have not specifically looked at crit damage. The amount of damage done by the same minion seems to vary too widely for it to be anything other than critical hits.

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Those two are phenomenal together. I use them all the time.



I am also considering some heavily-used 4* to LB2 first. Mielikki is one of them. She gets damage reduction. Her minions are there not to kill (although they help), but to provide meat shield and mana boost. My problem with her was that she is quite slow to boot up, and often dies before she could do anything. If this buff helps her to survive, it’s great, because usually, if she starts to fire, I have won.

Congrats @Gimliv and @Muchacho on the 5* pulls! And commiserations for missing out on R&N and Viselus in exchange for a triple luck on Gilligan…


A little more research on Zhou Yu’s minion DoT
-attack up does NOT impact Dot
-Minion Attack up (Freya and/or Frosth) does NOT impact DoT
-Troop level DOES impact DoT (107/turn with a level 17 mana troop)


I ended up LB2, Boldtusk and Wilbur, might also do it for Proteus or Wu, later, since these are my most often used heroes. Wu is a bit of an odd ball if LB2, since his specials are already causing him to miss, do I need him to also possibly miss on the tiles as soon as a fight starts?

Next on the lists are candidates like Kiril, Melendor, Rigard, to name a few, essentially who I already LB will likely get the nod once again. But will obviously have to wait until there are more of these Alpha Aethers too.

Sure Alpha Aethers are required, but those other elemental aethers are needed too, and having not spent much of them on anything other than collecting for a while, there is a little stockpile I could dig into.

If anything, I also needed to free up my roster space of these 10 master trainer heroes. Was only about to get my BT up 2 more levels after exhausting through. These do take a long time too, obviously can be used as feeder/food/iron sinks. I suppose I could use some of those tomes of experience for a quick 1 up, guess we will see how tired I am of these level ups.

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Ok, so I pulled the trigger on Zhou Yu. I don’t have enough feeders to get him to 80, but here is where he sits now. I’ve screenshotted his minion damage and DoT at this level and will see how it compares once I get him to 80. Stay tuned.

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It turned out Tavern of Legends can give Legends:

My first ever Legendary hero from this portal.

But I am now one step further from Skadi than what I expected… :slight_smile:


congrats, I was wondering the same lol

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nice nice! I use Gregorion on Blue Titans… and with his mana node activated + high enough mana troop to charge in 9 tiles, he’s my Green sniper of choice. nice pull :slight_smile:


Thx for your review from F2P perspective.

Maybe he is not good for a whale, but it is good to hear that he useful for F2P.

Nice pull @PlayForFun!

While I don’t regret Grace and almost have her to final ascension, I still wish I wasn’t short souls for the SE that Gregorian was a 10 pull in. Good damage and the crit boost would be amazing for titans.

Enjoy him!


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So it’s not a myth? :astonished:
Congrats! :blush:


Ok, so here’s the end of the story:
Aether skills do not impact minion stats or minion DoT. I’ll drop a few screenshots to show how 2LB Zhou Yu looks. I compared the minion damage and DoT for level 80 and level 79 and the increase is a slight tick up (DoT up from 118/turn to 122/turn with level 17 mana troop), but not the 20% you would see if the aether skill impacted the minions. Damage is on S5 29:10 normal.


Thx for the effort^^


Would you still consider it worth to get the 2nd lb?

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Hey, all. Was gone over the weekend with the fam. Looks like I missed a lot, most seismically, the departure of our dear friend @Gwniver . :cry:

Just dropping in to say that I’m back, and that I agree with those of you who said this LB2 business is too overwhelming at the moment. When the alpha aethers dropped on Monday, I started to break Kiril, one of my four-star stalwarts, but then I realized it would take half my alphas and a ton of feeders to do base Kiril and both costumes. Then, I started looking at all three aether powers to decide if it was worth it. Then, I realized I don’t know if or when or how many alpha aethers I will be able to get in the future. So finally, I said “screw it”, fed the trainer heroes to Ludwig and stashed the alphas away to forget about for now. I’ll let other folks be the guinea pigs to figure out what works best with these things, and I’ll do something when the dust settles.


I like him and enjoy playing with him, so I doubt I will regret it. I will do some more experimenting to see if I can effectively use him in PvP. That is still a question. Keeping his minions alive is a bit tough, so I will experiment with some D-up heroes and Freya/Frosth/Mielikki/Zuri/Augustus to see what kind of synergy I find as well as D-Down heroes to increase minion damage.


I am not expecting much from the currently possible sources.

Once we will have the Alpha Tresury Quest, then we might get a good amount of Alphas, otherwise just 1-1 from here and there every few months.

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This is what I expect as well. All the more reason to hold onto the few I have for now. I have enough projects without LBs for a little while, anyway.

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I am also taking a break from second LBing since Boldtusk is finished.
I will do LBs on demand :slight_smile:

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