The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

I set my rainbow teams for ToL ages ago and never changed them. I could probably update them to use the newer heroes, but why bother? I think the first 4 stages I can autoplay. They’re not even optimized for the bosses, though maybe I should change a few teams. Basically, when ToL comes around, I just pull up this chart and work accordingly.



This is low diamond and high platinum. I am sure if I raided into high diamond they would smoke this D. It’s hardly unbeatable. It’s more so obnoxious for the trophy return you’d spend the gems.

That’s why I use them when I have them for the most part. Even if the game exists, I may not exist in it anymore. For example, I burned my S3 coins knowing costumes were coming. I got Mireweave, who was new. I could say “if I waited I may have got Gullinbursti’s costume”, but realistically I could have ended up with Carver and I am happy I got a new hero.



The most obvious counter is a buff blocker like C. Sabina, but those are still relatively rare for a lot of players. What formation are you using with this D?

Coins, I tend to agree. Costumes keys I’m saving to see if SGG will release the balance of the 3 and 4 star costumes in a reasonable time frame. And keys have been dropping more frequently for me lately, it seems. SGG may think they are tempting me to spend them now, but they are actually encouraging me to save them for a summon binge when those costumes are released.


Standard. Usually when I lose there is just a single Melendor or sometimes no debuffers. I know my alliance mates used Proteus usually. Someone beat it with a costume Thorne in the team.



Hail to the King! LOL

Actually, the reason I was asking was trying to think about how I’d attack such a defense. If not with C. Sabina, I guess I’d go mono blue, since both flanks are red. Would have been even more the case if it were the W formation, as both tanks would be red. Reverse V wouldn’t be very effective, I guess, as all the riposters would be toward the back, delaying their fire.

Ferant was a freakin’ giant pain in the butt in last week’s raid tournament. I trust you took advantage of that.


Is Azmia pops in the middle she heals. Then potentially (60%) overheals and cleanses. If you say started specials and dropped D she can cleanse. If then Ferant pops he can slow you firing more specials and Seshat can dispel buffs.

It’s not unbeatable, just annoying if my team pops before yours. Proof that most people will simply reroll.



Up to a certain point, an overhealing tank is a serious deterrent. I found with Heimdall that there is a limit to how long that stays effective, kinda like how long Kasshrek or Li Xiu are effective tanks. But, as you say, if it’s effective where you are, use it until you have something better. Krampus was a big upgrade as a tank for me, but I reached a point where he was no longer fearsome, either. I’m back to the level of working with what I’ve got. I don’t think anybody much is re-rolling my reverse V of Krampus - JF - Francine - Seshat - Onatel. Like you said, it’s not unbeatable by any stretch. Just annoying under the right circumstances.


I must say, the idea of making a defense team designed to be so annoying people will avoid it has its appeal. I’m going to have to come up with something to try for kicks…


20 chars of tru dat.
Today in alliance chat someone posted the stages infographic and I was like “curious: someone still believes it’s useful”


I was gonna agree that I don’t need much planning for ToL, because my roster is broad enough that I don’t need to plan ahead, then I remembered @Muchacho will probably make some comment about my roster being not FTP-like so I’ll just keep quiet :stuck_out_tongue:


Sure, and on the flip side in s3 we have Nordri, very desirable and probably the most accessible EDD hero…

But then some players keep pulling An-Windr instead :stuck_out_tongue:


Agree with the recent comments on ToL. Was always my favourite part of the game when it first came out and I had to plan things through to make sure I had strong enough heroes at the end to finish.

What we need is another @Muchacho challenge for it again. I did the 4*. The no dupes, The 4* but only with items allowable in epic events, the 3* last level with no carpet bombing.

Maybe something like only rainbow, or no strong colours vs the bosses :thinking::person_shrugging::upside_down_face:

For the 3/4 topic. S3 as a whole was very good to me, the only 4 from there I need is Brynhild (had Fura but fed her, don’t need to replace), however I think at this stage I’d mainly use her in tournaments, so I’m less annoyed with not having her and it means I’m not stressing about playing Valhalla levels for tokens to try get her.

Whilst S4 had some trashy 3s (looking at you Morris and Vollermork) overall it wasn’t that bad. Gramps and Poppy are really good and for 4* I like both Griffin and Zila lei.

S5 so far is really strong like S3 I think. Love the passives and anyone who has played long enough to have got a good base from S2/3 and HA5/8 should with luck be able to add some missing parts. Whilst the quantity isn’t there I don’t feel there are immediate throw away, never going to use ones.

As an update to my Tahir hunt, I got 2 more EHTs in loot since. Nothing from them, however I do think my luck this month is already used as one of my free pulls in ToL shot out C-Alasie and a rogue ETT gave me only my second blue mana troop in over 3 years of play. 9 tokens for CF2 will be my final shot.


I see you have at least three Proteus. Belated congrats @Quinn3! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

Can you please show me your emblemed and LB Merlin and Hansel?

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Congrats on your C-Alasie and second blue mana troop @Kilted!! :star_struck::star_struck::partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

I love my C-Alasie. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I feel she is a gift from my alliance - summoned with gifted Legends coins during Valentine’s Week. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I think that I couldn’t finish the very first ToL, because I didn’t have enough heroes for this quest. Then I had to choose heroes thoroughly for every single stage to make sure that I can beat them and have the strongest heroes for the last stage. Now it is not a challenge for me and I’m challenging myself. First rule is to use rare heroes for as long as possible and 2nd - rainbow teams only. That helps to enjoy this quest more. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m also waiting for CFII, I can’t wait to beat it and do pulls. I have only 3 heroes from this portal so I expect to get a lot of new heroes. I got Tahir with my S5 pulls, so usually I would stop all my summons till the end if this month, but next CFII will be in November (September - Gorgoyles, October - CFI) and I don’t want to wait for so long.

What do you think about Covenant Quest and portal? I saw a list of all heroes that will be in this portal and it doesn’t look promising. I have 51 out of 71 heroes, so I have almost all epic and rare heroes. I think that I will be collecting coins only and waiting for better pool of heroes.


So far liking tahir. Got him maxed before khepri and even at +14 after a hit from def down its a monster hit. The DoT if not killed is nice too to 3 targets. Hope i get another free 2022 hotm thats worth mats I’d like to be able to get that feind protection on a whole team not just a red mono


Grats on c-Alasie, as usual I got only S1 3* from my free pulls out of ToL.

Concerning your mana troops, I find it strange. For only a year and 6 months of play, I managed to assemble 5x mana/magic troops in all colours except blue and green, but I still have 4x in these colours as well. Of course I’m not F2P, I paid for ViP and nowadays PoV instead. I guess you didn’t utilize HA 9? I ran that thing for 3 months straight until it gave me 4 mana troops in colours which I wanted.


Always figured ToL and the Tower events were designed to get players to need more heroes, which in turn drives revenue. I’d say Alliance Wars are based on a similar principle, especially since there are different types — allows SG to use the same basic war mechanic to drive hero acquisition. Might also explain different tiers and color limitations on other events.

Seems like a bit of a win-win in some ways. Players with deep benches get to use otherwise unused heroes, and SG benefits as well. The luster wears off a bit once you have all the heroes you need to complete ToL, so I think that’s why we got War of the Three Kingdoms. It takes the same idea (hero acquisition) and expands it greatly. Looks like a bit of a step process on SG’s end.

Oh, and congrats on C-Alaise! Pulled mightily for her (well, at least for me), but to no avail.


It is interesting to see that people plan ahead their teams, I do fail the first two time on it at the beginning for the lack of heroes, now I just build team accordingly and stay up to 300 below the TP required starting with unleveled 3*s and building it up. I just look of what I am facing to build teams element heavy on the Bose stage or any special skill. At the end I have many heroes that still do not use


Sure. Merlin was def over hp over atk.
Hansel was split with health and def. Didn’t emblem the last two nodes as they were not of any use.