The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

I just beat epic, hopefully this helps:

I am going to do the first two stages of legendary to see if I can get my antidotes usage down. If I can’t I am throwing in the towel due to resources (clean clothes)


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Cross posting incase any of you guys know of anywhere suitable


You can join myself @Sorvina @Gartenerbsen @Igmuhota in WhatTheWhat. Most of the core group goes back like 4 years with me.

Titans are 8-9. There is no expectation to perform. I rarely use items on titans. You can choose to war or not to war, etc. No time commitment. If you trying when you’re on, that’s it. People in various time zones so someone is around whenever. Very laid back. Open alliance, so give it a shot. No pressure. People from level 80ish to newbies.

If you don’t, good luck wherever you go. I hope you find what you’re looking for.



Hey @Kilted , kudos to @Sarah2 for letting me know you’re looking. I can ask the Ghosties , we’re super casual hitting mainly 6*, can string 7*s for a bit, no expectation to hit.

There are 3 of us warring now. No pressure to join, though when joining its requested to use all flags.

We can’t open Legendary in Clash of Knights, only Epic

One thing is that Ghost Ship is very tight, so we always discuss in game chat first :slight_smile:

We are inclusive but not super chatty, moet log in once or twice a day so we’re very quiet though


While I love my alliance, I did spend time with the Ghosties too. You can’t go wrong either way @Kilted



Thanks for the offers guys. Both sound like good fits.

The titan level may be a bit better while I work on mats with @sleepyhead but I do understand about the close knit group and team harmony thing especially, so ifyou guys decide you don’t want any additional just now thats fine. :slightly_smiling_face:


I found legendary a bit easier than epic! It’s still very tough but more manageable! I’ve just completed legendary with my purple team

C-Sabina - Freya - Sergei - Alfrike - Proteus

Did try a few times but time stops at the last stage helped.

And with my coin pull, I got Oberon yay :joy:

Good luck to you all


I did reply to your other post

Good luck @Kilted

How you find a nice place


Hi @Kilted , I’m happy to extend an invite to Ghost Ship, like @sft1965 (thanks bud for updating :slight_smile: ) said, we’ve chatted and would be happy to have you on board for as long as you want. with @sft1965 , me, @Sarah2 and @Muchacho all endorsing, the gang thought you’d be a great fit :slight_smile: (no pressure though, understand if you want to look at some other invites first too - just let us know what you decide and we’ll open the gates (we’re at invite only, and have set the cup level at 4000 so we don’t get requests that we have to turn down :stuck_out_tongue: )

and yeah, we had @Muchacho over for a bit - thanks for endorsing Ghost Ship to @Kilted , eagle and company say Hi! (you know you’re welcome to pop in for a bit if you want, though I’d never think of stealing you from your long-time alliance!))


Thanks @sleepyhead I’ll hop along at end of war. Looking forward to a change of scenery for a while.


awesome! looking forward to having you, please tag/message me when you’re ready and I’ll lower the cup level to let you in :slight_smile: thanks for choosing us!


That is a great team …. with 4 heroes I don’t have :joy:. The one I do have I lack her costume. If only Rigard or Sabina’s costume would bless me with their presence. Great team though, congrats on those summons! :+1:

I did start legendary and it started off much easier than epic did. I switched my team slightly around stage 5. I just beat stage 7. 3 more to go, but these are a slog …. I need to figure out how to beat the bosses in a minute or whatever these other people do. Stage 7 took me like 6 minutes. :man_shrugging: Maybe I subconsciously punish myself by making these grinder teams. :laughing:

I do want to and I always mean to. It seems there is always something going on now though when I do have time between all these events or a rare titan, etc. one of these days I make it back on board for a week or so to say hi.

Good luck with the :ghost: :ship: @Kilted ! You’re dead :skull_and_crossbones: to me now. Kidding



I believe I wrote it somewhere already, sorry for the repeated post, here is how I do it without fishing for a perfect board.

  1. Example team (mine in this case) and exactly those items

  1. Tactic:
  • Turn 1: Activate tornado + medium mana on everyone necessary on wave 1 to kill the mobs with specials. On stage 10 this still won’t be enough with these heroes, make a random match and let them burn (or make a red match and finish them)

  • Turn 1(Turn 2 on 10 stage) Activate 2 Tornadoes plus 4 small mana (if needed, sometimes you get additional matches from the Tornado that charge) on everyone except Boldtusk to repeat the strategy with wave 2.

  • Turn 1 (Turn 3 on 10 stage) Boss wave: Activate remaining 2 Tornadoes plus 3 small mana on Wilbur, Falcon and cColen to start killing bosses. Use 5 Super mana on cColen to finish bosses. On stage 10 this won’t be enough so I hope you have a couple red matches to finish the fight.

If you have Khagan, this tactic will be much easier to execute since he gives increased mana generation which works splendidly with the tornado/mana pot charge strategy.

Edit: Forgot. Always make a match at the boss wave even if it’s turn 1, because otherwise you won’t receive any points for matches. It’s much safer to do it at the boss wave if it’s not stage 10 because they charge slower than the mobs. And hope that the match you make unleashes some longer combo for a better score…

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You going after them next week, or saving for another time? I was thinking about you this morning as my C. Sabina shut down Boril in the class trials. Hope you get one or both. You’ve convinced me about Viscaro, so I think I’ll be doing some pulls next week. I only need Boril, Scarlett, and Wu Kong and most of the legendaries, but as my HA 10 basically refuses to deliver much of anything, I guess I’ll keep feeding the costume keys in from time to time.


We’ll have the welcome mat ready :wink:

wishing you (and everyone else) luck next costume chamber!

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I am going to use free keys for sure, probably not gems. I want to wait until the end of the year and see if they do a no S1 portal again.

I won’t complain as I got probably 5 or 6 vanillas I was missing along with 3 new HotMs. I have gotten no costumes yet though. I only have 1 legendary costume: Lianna.

I do have Khagan at 3:70. I could max him (I couldn’t previously as I was mat short), but am finishing other projects. I also got Lancelot, who is after Guardian Falcon, to do that on epic. I also just got Guardian Falcon in December from HA and have JUST started leveling him so he is not ready. I have the mats to +20&LB him though. Also, no Wilbur, though not for a lack of trying. Gormek won’t do the same thing.

Working with the heroes I have I guess and grinding like hell is what I have seemed to make work. Once I finish out my recent wave of projects I can reassess my teams, but they’re just not ready yet for a challenge this hard.

About to try Stage 9.



I did most of epic using Blue instead of red as my blue troops is better there.

Used Kiril, Nordri, Grimm, Boril & Jott.

Borils main job was making opponents kill themselves

@sleepyhead ready to board as soon as you tie up the moorings.


Hey all,

So, I’m going through the process of throwing some emblems around.

Seems like Mel, Rigard, Kiril, Bt are obvious choices. Going costume shield on Mel and Kiril, non-costume shield on Rigard and Bt?

Thinking I should throw some emblem love at some hitters. Caedmon, Sonya, Gormek, Grimm, Tibs? Any obvious other S1 heroes? If it matters, I’m currently carrying dupes of all.

Should I just go sword non-costume on all?

Thanks as always for your help!

@Kilted sorry for the delay! I’ve lowered the gates, come on over to the Ghost Ship :slight_smile: you’ll know it’s us


Hmm I don’t have Wilbur. But if I swap him for Kagan would this still work or is Wilburs special the key to staying alive?

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