The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

@Ruskin505 in my opinion, if you’re not collecting unique heroes, then drop them. The only one I might argue for is Friar Tuck with costume, as the mana boost can be nice (acts as a buff for Buff Booster, can be useful for Rush, and I find him useful for events to save up on mana potions).

Bane pales vs. Poppy and Melia, but I would put him at a tie with C-Dawa (just because Bane is fast vs. C-Dawa being average in the 3* arena where you can’t use mana troops).

I also struggle with the rest though.


I pulled Frank and costume (2x in fact, so RNG is playing games with me again lol).

anyone have any experience and advice with these?

Frank costume looks like a mini Skadi.


27 pulls (24 EHTs + 900) this morning. 3 Valerias, 1 Frank, 3 Vlads, 2 Jacks, and dupe S1 3 & 4*

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sorry @YayaTheobroma … though Valeria and Frank are both solid 4s in my mind. Valeria is still my go-to in the 4 tourneys against healer-heavy defenses.

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sorry @YayaTheobroma

Thx for you opinion about Valeria @sleepyhead
I have just pulled her, and she is brand new hero for me.
I though of leveling her as she is very fast, but now I will level her more after your comment :slight_smile:


One more EHT over the weekend, so 39 pulls today. Hard to call them anything but a success, as I landed at least one of every vampire in every rarity except Victor and Vanda. I gotta be happy with this, but honestly, Victor and Vanda were the ones I wanted most. Oddly, I also did not get Russell. Francine looks quite good, though, and I’m happy to get all the lesser ones on my first time pulling. Still got at least two EHT pulls from the event, and will use them and any others to still go after Russell and the other vampires.

Can anyone argue in favor of keeping two Valerias?



I like to keep 5-of fast snipers of every color, this could make an argument for cBane. For bloody battle mono if needed. Gan Ju I don’t like, he’s weaker. I ate mine and he was fully leveled + costume.

Friar Tuck with costume could be good for green team in rush war. Given his class, he charges in 6 tiles if you give him 20 nodes of emblems, and IMO such heroes should be kept at least 1 of. Also good in current Rush tournament on defense. If I had him on 20 emlbems, I’d definitely put him on the flank of my defense team.

Muggy is also good for current tournament both on attack and defense. His tile damage is extremely high. I feel sorry for eating my dupe already. Especially with LB (later of course, he’s definitely a last target for a LB) I think he’s worth keeping.


I got her last year and leveled her right away but never used her. I will have to rethink based on sleepyhead’s mention of using her on healer heavy teams. I honestly forget about her.

I had 10 EHT and got Frank, Vlad and the rest S1. Frank and Vlad are dupes but of course Frank costume is new I will work on that after Alex is done. Vlad I kept one but never leveled it I wish they had given him a costume.

When I first leveled Frank I heavily emblemed him (I have scads of barbarian emblems) but then I found I hardly used him even in rush tourneys. So I gave his emblems to Jott. But now I have enough barb embkems to get Frank loaded again.

And on 10th I pulled Russell :clinking_glasses: He’s not getting much love but I’m going to try him against cKad I just don’t have anything that can beat her. I can sometimes get her heavy damage but then she goes off again.


DOT stacks is the thing that comes to mind. I can’t imagine I’d fully level two and use them so I wouldn’t. For an early game player I can see a bit of a benefit.


I’ll add to the success of my first Halloween pull with 19 coins. Mainly S1 feeders, but got 3 event heroes: Vanda, Frank, and Vlad. I was hoping for Russell, but Vanda is a nice one that I can use to pre-emptive Alfrike, especially since her costume lasts for 3 turns. Useful against those HoT healers.


Vanda is pretty amazing w/o costume. I don’t want to think about how much better cVanda will be

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Yeah. I think her stats are slightly different: higher attack and lower everything else, with a lower special damage, but the increased length of the specials is nice. Just wish I had a surplus of Sorcerer emblems. Got lots of wizard. But, can’t disagree with her very fast mana. The only other ones I have are Malosi and Clarissa.


I also have tons of barbarian emblems, and it’s Frank or Azlar, so Frank is going up.

Congrats. I may keep trying for him in other portals this month. I leveled and emblemed C. Kelile specifically to pair with him. I don’t think he’s great, but my reds still need help. Plus C. Kadilen… ugh!

This is what I’m thinking. She and Frank are my first non-S1 blue epics. My current epic blue mono is Kiril, Grimm, Broil, and two Sonyas, so two Valerias could conceivably find a place on occasion.

Congrats. Vanda looks like a boss!


Wondering about levelling two Valerias (maybe not three) and stacking. Thoughts?

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I’m considering it, as seen above.

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So splurged the 12 EHT I had saved since summer to try to go for someone new (I am not even shooting for the 5* here, but would be happy if I could pull Valeria, who had eluded me for years). Not my best calm and collected choice here.

But out of the batch 10 were 3* and 4* vanillas.

One of them was Khagan, why you got to pull crap like that and send me to the 0.9% odds pool when you could’ve send me to the 2.2% pool for Valeria, 3.5% pool for Frank and costume, and 1.6% pool for any of Victor, Vanda, and Francine and costume? (You did me Dirty again, $GG RNGesus)

The lone bright spot was that one of the coins ended up being Frank the Mobster, who was new and I got him and his costume for the price of one. Poor Vlad still looks pitiful as ever, he could’ve gotten a mobster costume too because he really fits that mobster henchman motif too.

No serial arsonist Russell (but his design reminded me somewhat of that Slayers 4* that looked like a fire dude, can’t even remember his name, but that’s the problem with this game and its absurd amount of heroes, isn’t it).

Although we should get some more EHT for finishing Morlovia, but I think I am just going to try to keep saving for Winter event instead of trying any more (and I might end up getting dupe Vlad and Jack before landing Valeria). So it’s probably see you again next year Valeria.

No, I didn’t come away empty handed (I did managed to get thus far the only non-S1 4* with costume) but still seemed lack-luster, that Khagan pull hurt, what could have been… What could have been.


commiserations @Shohoku79

nice pulls @Quinn3 !

glad I could help @PlayForFun

@Noble_Weasel @YayaTheobroma I used to have 2 Valerias, but fed one way. Only the DoT stacks, the heal steal does not. And I struggled to justify having two even against healer-heavy teams, when more versatile heroes like Kiril, Grimm, Sonya and Triton were around. When my bench was shallower, occasionally I used 2x Valeria - but now she mainly comes out in the 4* tourneys only.


Here is a laugh I can’t even keep track of the heroes I actually have.

I have been giving Jean Francois a level 11 mana troop as if he is Very Fast. But he is only Fast. I have been doing this for months…

Now I have to rethink my whole troop allocation for reds…


Hey, folks. Now that SGG has announced - with no explanation, per usual - the end of “and nearby” effects extending to all heroes from the center of double and reverse double formations, my beautifully working defense is screwed. No more Brynhild in the center. Not sure what I should try now. I could go with double tanks with Krampus and Heimdall, but not sure who to put in the back row then. Or I could go to a reverse formation, which everyone seems to be saying is best. But I don’t really know the theory behind that formation. Most of what I’m reading suggests it is effective with fast hit-all heroes like Frigg, Odin, and Morel, which makes sense, except I don’t have Frigg, Odin, and Morel! Anyone else facing a similar dilemma? Advice?


I’ve been facing the same thing I was lucky to get LotL at one stage and she has been the focal point of my defence giving five sword minions since formations came out. It will be very much back to the drawing board as I have mainly snipers maxed from 5 stars and whilst I have some good ones and should still be able to raid into diamond on a regular basis. My wiggle room may definitely be reduced.

A reverse probably doesn’t work for me so I will go back to standard. Considering going double red flank behind LotL tank to force blues so she can survive a bit until she fires

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