The Big Balance Update - Discussion

The problem with the power creep is not the introduction of new heroes that are more powerful. Its actually refreshing and healthy to do that. The problem is that the game doesnt raise de bar at the bottom of the scale and continues to give Dawas and Briennes increasing the gap that makes the game undesirable.


very much agree, well said!

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Nothing from the long awaited big balance, the game has become unplayable, more and more players I know since 2019 are retiring from the game. Jove should be nerfed and all the OP heroes that made the whole game frustrating. The main culprit, of course, is the double limit breaker


SG is at peace with the balance achieved .

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doesnā€™t mean the player base has to be. and SG was never the problem. problem came after they sold, even who is left form those days are working in shackles with the policies set out by the owners. even if they wanted to change things they canā€™t, its beyond their capabilities with the powers they have left. hard to tell your boss how to run things, isnā€™t it???

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Hell no!

I dont have him, i often re roll when i see him, but No Nerfing!


It doesnā€™t matter. this game is just piece of crap. Iā€™m playing only war and only because I spent 5 years with this BS. Of course no money at all Iā€™m putting in.


So, Iā€™m curious, has anyone tracked the differences between the original Big Balance Update Beta one and what was actually released? Given the latest nerfs to Jove and the autotaunt, itā€™s looking like the nerfs are being gradually implemented regardless (though maybe the epic heroes are safe).

Edit: In other words, what future nerfs should we be on the lookout for? Aramis is one that is brought up.

The 5 that didnā€™t get stats buff.

Jove is neutered.
The other 4 should meet the same fate soon enough.

Guess you got what you wished forā€¦.

It just occurred to me that this move would nerf rainbow teams.

Rainbow players sacrifice tile damage for skill power that they labor to synergize. Forming a rainbow team is very challenging. But if done properly, extremely rewarding and efficient.

That isā€¦ unless they nerf all skills and increase stats. The stat increase would make it more difficult for the weaker skills to overcome.

We already have an influx of recruitment threads. Last thing the forum needs is an influx of Rigged Boards threads from the populace being pushed towards mono.

Which I think is happening anywayā€¦ thanks a lot, LB2 offers galore

Glass half full!

So uh, sinceā€¦

Whatā€™s next on the agenda for propagating creep mode???

The next step is ā€œregularā€ whales having most of their key heroes at LB2, at which point alpha aether demand decreases and beta aethers will start rolling out.

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Beta Aethers coming out for sure. Should be within a year of Alpha Aether release. Maybe in a few months.

Sooooo, where are the nerfs to Hippo, Aramis, LB2 Ludwig, and a slew of other overpowered heroes? Ah right, crickets. SG is too busy making new heroes to worry about the crapshow they caused with ridiculous pervious heroes.

Ludwig already got nerfed.


This is how they show a long time, (formerā€”>) big time spender appreciationā€¦.by killing what good I had in an effort to get me to spendā€¦.
And how iā€™m showing my appreciation in return? Iā€™m truly not spending a flat dime.

But this is the way it goes. I was at the very top. Now I canā€™t hold my own. They nerfed all the heroes that helped me stay in the game. Canā€™t get any of the new heroes that would allow me to remain competitive. No aramis, no hippo, no phorcy, no myoin or the new green chubby guy with huge beads , no erlang, no queen G - not even bubblesā€¦. absolutely nothing useful unless I sink the thousands I used toā€¦.and I absolutely refuse to do it. . Itā€™s really sad.

I had my run. Itā€™s over.



iā€™m still spending, think i spend a little more everytime i see ā€œnospendā€ā€¦

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enjoy! if thatā€™s what you wish to do.

Not to his mana boost. I donā€™t care about the taunt. Itā€™s about his flanks going off three times in the next few turns.