🧪 The Beta Beat (V69) - Dragonspire -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Are the Ninja Heroes Round 7 as the link shows or Round 6 as the page you navigate to from the link shows? It says Round 7 at the top of the page but where the hero info starts it says Round 6. FYI!

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I have fixed it. It is Round 7.


So this beta is taking 3 months yeh?

Yes, once the current Beta build’s testing is complete there will be a more than 3 weeks long summer break.

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I would venture a guess that with such a long beta, Dragonspire will be released to, at least, a global beta soon after the summer break is over and V69 is rolled out. This seems like the final push to finish the project especially since there is nothing much else in beta than a few new heroes (and that process feels a lot like being on autopilot).

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Really missing the Beat. Seems like they should have taken a break between patches, rather than in the middle of one. They must have their reasons. Should be a flurry of activity when they get back.

We do not need to wait much longer.
The 3rd Beta for V69 should arrive next week.


Wouldn’t mind 3* and 4* costumes added to HA. Since we have a chance at a 5* costume, why not give 3* and 4* a chance. for 3*, I’d say a 15% chance to get one when you train a 3* hero, and a 10% to get a 4* costume when you train a 4*.

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The new Beta is finally here.


  • Part I and Part II of Shadows of the Deep Quest
  • 5 new Secret heroes
  • 2 new Monster Hunters
  • 2 new Garrison Guards
  • 4 brand new Woodland Faun heroes

Is all of that on the normal side? No new dragons stuff?

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Yes, all of these are for the normal game.


Eagerly awaiting info on Shadows of the Deep.

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Sorry for the delay I was busy.
The topics will arrive shortly.

Here s the first one:


I guess part I and II will be for Cultists and Alligators in the Vest families.

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Plain Hunter heroes:

Secret heroes:

Woodland Faun heroes:

Information about the new Quest:


I kinda hope they find time to add a bunch of costumes for Festival II heroes in V70.


I expected costumes for festival II last year, but instead they pivoted out of challenge events and into fixed quests like goblins and elves. New costumes would be nice, especially since they’ve finally started giving more 3* and 4* costumes a 5 mana bonus.


The next build is here.

  • Harvest Festival Summon
    • Similar two Solstice and Black Friday Summon so Classic heroes are excluded, and all other heroes are there with their costume.
    • Two new exclusive Fox heroes.
    • Each draw can result in 9 Bonus Draws from the hero pull.
  • 4 new Fox heroes.
  • More Dragonspire content
    • New Dragons
    • Welcome to Dragonspire Pass

Changes to Ghost form

  • Shifting into Ghost form or its variants now also removes and resists Wither and Growth effects
  • Cleaned up the Special Skill descriptions for Ghost form and its variants

Now there are Fox Heroes ???

For FOX sake !!!

They really don’t get the message that many, many players customers want them to slow down the rate of release for new Heroes. (Or they simply just don’t care.)

Perhaps they have a target of reaching 2000 Heroes / Costumes this financial year. :upside_down_face: )


“two” -----> “to” in line 3.

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