Thank You for Your Epic Participation and extra-Rare Patience- DEV Rare Quest response Post #342

yeah guys, that’s why I said I also didn’t understand in the beginning as extra would mean extra to me as well ^^ @nicos @Danoh70 @JakimDaHorta

but later on it was explained that no quest was planned last week, so it was indeed an Extra quest (as no one was planned) and it didn’t change the rotation of how rare quests spawn…
But again, it was not clearly stated in the beginning by them, they could have explained better to avoid confusion for all as everyone was expecting a rare quest last week indeed…

especially this was confusing for all…

Btw - next Monday I’d like to have a slice of this cherry cake please :smiley:

Somehow it did happen - but as no one knew that no rare quest was originally planned this caused this confusion… however now they correct it + bring FH2 forward as well, so from their point of view 2 extra and from our point of view 1 extra ^^

exactly this - 20 characters of agreement…


This doesn’t even make sense! If it was randomly generated, why did they mash buttons? Fun.

Because they can’t give Siri the instructions to do it…

so they need to push some buttons to activate something to generate a rare quest…

I appreciate your explanations, but an extra apple pie in the form of a cherry pie is not an “extra” apple pie. It’s a different pie, maybe a bonus pie. But maybe us Americans just have a different interpretation of the words, not being facetious.

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Don’t forget Finlands main (native) language isn’t English (also not mine)

They shouldn’t have used the word extra

Do we agree at least on this? ^^

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Now THAT was the kind of clear communication everyone was hoping for.

Thanks for the clarification!


In my opinion, the word “randomly” in OP without a suitable explanation has caused the point of confusion. For example, randomly generated by date and time, or randomly from a set of quests such as Rare Quest, Miracle of Omega, etc.
By the way, @Petri, what exactly was the set of outcomes here? I’m curious to know… :slight_smile:

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Thanks for you feedback and effort on this topic.

Is it today still relevant that no rare quests appear during challange events? Maybe this was an issue in the beginning of the game. But with today’s amount of flasks and higher levels and therefor more world energy I highly doubt this a problem for the majority of players.

But maybe I miss some points and someone can clarify.


thanks @Petri very much

Yes it’s a problem.

Have you not seen how many people complain about S3 Path of Valor challenges during Atlantis Rises??

For me your general explanation still does not make sense. Petri said an extra quest that should not affect a normal rotation, so the normal rotation should have still continued now with Shiloh.

Aside from this, criticizing a clear case of bad communication is not bashing.

And yes, it is a phone game on which many players spend a lot of time and money and they imagine (wrongly apparently from the point of view of some people) that they deserve quality services and clear communication. On the other hand the company earns dozens of million of dollars every year in profit.

The main problem of this company is not people criticising it, since anyway the forum members are quite a small minority. On the contrary, they should be really happy for the feedback they get for free and for which some other companies pay a lot of money that just adds some qualitative data to the quantitative one provided by their metrics. The company will have much bigger issues when people will stop criticizing because they just stopped caring. And if they continue with the same communication strategy they will get there, unless they manage to attract more players than they lose.


Totally agree. The game has change a LOT since 2017.

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@Petri Where is the quest?

To be correct, he did say “Expect another Rare Quest to start a few hours after Morlovia ends.” So he said to expect it, not that there will be one :joy:

Also, while for some, me included, “a few hours” means under 5-6 hours, for others could mean under 12 hours, under 24 hours or under 1 week :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On a more serious note, my guess is that this was not a Petri problem, but a company problem, and he just relayed to us what he was told himself. And if it was not clear before, either these people don’t know very well how their own game works or they have a very bad internal communication or they simply don’t care.


hahah yeah. I just don’t know why are people so thankful and the quest hasn’t even started yet

Then at least he should have clarified the fact that he’s just delivering us the information.

Ungrateful people, stop complaining about this eeny meeny tiny rare quest! You now have two offers which allow you to buy not one, but 9 unfarmable 4* mats :rofl:

But getting serious:

I think he did when he said he will discuss with his colleagues to find out what happened and then come back to us. At least for me this was clear. Not to mention that this is generally the job of a communication person in any company - the management takes decisions, the technical people implement it and the communication people communicates these decisions to the stakeholders.


It‘s live!


Thank you, I really wanna thank you that you leasen to us


Thank you @Petri. Damascus Blades are really needed by me so I’m happy I can get one today :slight_smile: