Thank You for Your Epic Participation and extra-Rare Patience- DEV Rare Quest response Post #342


This is something that should be cleared up quickly at this point. Unhappy players tighten their wallets and leave the game.

Please strongly encourage your overlords to consider doing things that make players happier, as opposed to angrier. Also, inform them that players are not stupid and to quit treating them as such.

Frankly guys and girls, I don’t know what else you expected. Just keep your expectations low when SG staff promise you something and until it happens, don’t be in a hurry to be happy about it. I personally don’t believe most of what SG staff types until it happens because they proved to be untrustworthy on multiple occasions in the (recent) past.

On the bright side we all got a free 5-lvl ascension tome. Keep in mind, we could even not have gotten that.


Well, I’m done, totally lost any faith I could have put in you. And I can’t see how someone could give Money to someone he doesn’t trust.


:slight_smile: They will have mashed certain buttons to one more randomly generated Rare Quest on 2022-02-21T21:00:00Z. Why not? :slight_smile:

Here’s a sales tip, try underpromising and overdelivering, not overpromising and underdelivering.


Where is the extra rare quest?


Listen here players, there is a rare quest that will show up on a totally random pattern. This total random and unforeseeable pattern has been Monday between 12 am and 10 pm for some time. Then it changed to Tuesday between 12 am and 10 pm. For months. But still, it is totally random. Honestly.

This random and absolutely none predictable rare quest (which was predicted precisely by the playermade calender for months now, we don’t know how they did that…) wouldn’t have shown up last Monday. Because… Reasons. BUT we mashed a few buttons and than it suddenly showed up. (as it usually would do anyway, but we say it wouldn’t have)

So, here you go, there is your EXTRA rare quest. You are welcome.

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They give us any feature of the game as an extra. Be grateful instead of complaining constantly, people

Wasn’t “extra”, it was “early” - still a word starting with “e”, I see how this can be confusing :rofl:


Find it kind of amusing that it takes over three hours to respond to the confusion and check the schedule. You would think that something this basic should be readily apparent and that their response would be pretty quick. I do believe they will honor what they said but man I can’t believe they even botched the thing meant to foster goodwill


what memories!!! XDDDDD


ok i can understand they force rare quest “extra” to not be skipped because of challenge event, is that ever happen before, that rare quest was skipped and not in game more then 2 weeks? if this “extra” wasnt forced, that meens we will be more then 2 weeks without any rare quest? is that ever happen before?

I would have been happy just with the tome of experience… They could have left it at that… But no… Gotta trip over their feet.


So, 6h later and still no News?!


About 11.30 at night in Finland though so wouldn’t be expecting anything till tomorrow


You generated an “extra Rare Quest” few hours before the scheduled one;
you simply replaced a scheduled quest with an extra one.
No additional Rare Quest spowned.
You mess up everithing even when you would like to do something good and you do nothing but ■■■■ off more and more players who rightly feel taken for a ride

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Okay. Makes sense. :rofl:

It’s as if they don’t have control of their own game. It’s like a behemoth that does what it wants and they steer it with pointed sticks.


Don’t expect any coherent, logical response. Will just be some generic gibberish trying to make out they didn’t make a mess of it like usual. They don’t care anyway cos people will just carry on spending regardless.

So rare in fact that it didn’t exist at all.

Or will you double down on Morlovia?

Why push buttons and add another quest? Then fool around with timing in an already crammed schedule? Just sent the extra ascension item in the mail and thank your players without them needing to do anything. That would be nice…and easy, no?