Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

I was replying to another person but thanks for the link. :ok_hand:

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This game is a robbery,but instead of that most of players still spend some money

That’s quite funny coming from someone who’s avatar is Miki.

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I guest many of us have got nice heros from the events of this months. But it is not my case. I lost the hope !!!. All the coins and gems gave me only 3* basic heros. I also bought the gem offers and I wasted time and money.
The more sadly thing is that I don’t have a hero to level it right now. It disappoints me.
Anyway… I am loosing my patience and I am trying to be optimistic to reach the season 3.
Any one can comfort me?
Merry Christmas guys

PD: Most of my friends have the same feeling, so the SG should be improve in something to keep the gamers happy

I got nothin’ neither

The thrill of summons followed by the bitter smirk of Renfeld can feel like you’ve fallen flat


But on the plus side, you haven’t had your trousers stolen by rebellious gym equipment.


So the choise is always there - find enough fun to keep soldiering on, or do something else more worthy of your dedication :grin::+1:


Friggin Renfeld… those eyes irk!

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Yeah, out of 24 pulls this event I’ve seen his ugly face thrice. On the other hand I did get Elena (first one), which cleansed my eyes. I mean she is not Puss in Boots, but I wanted her and TC20 did not comply, so why not (and also she is first of the story-line wise important persons, and that’s a thing for me too). Also 2 Hansels, but I had two already (that said I am keeping all of them and once levelled I will wipe every Renfeld out of the face of this planet with that army. And Elena shall lead them).

But really, what is the reason to design a hero not only useless (even among 3*), but also that ugly?

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I spent 52k on gems and nothing came
little red riding hood, cat in boots let alone snow white
I really like this game
I spend a lot on him, but I don’t see the return
1 percent chance of taking a hero from the event is too little could be at least 2 percent
in cash I spent more than 2 thousand reais
that gives two minimum wages
so I regret at least a little the percentage of that

I’m gonna say this right now! if I don’t get santa or mother North this year there will be no money spent on this game at all next year, so small giant you better fix the summon ratio on those Christmas hero’s. This year 2, I’m not gonna have a video game money me to death. So if I don’t get one of those heros this month it will be the last month I spend any money on this stupid game again.


Okay… Then don’t spend money…?

I’ve not bothered trying for the Christmas Heroes as the drop rate is soooo small… You know the odds. It’s your choice if you summon or not…

Gosh no, not more hideous Buddies grinning out of raid rosters all over the place. Oh, and those bloody porridge resses just when you think you’ve won. Decrease the drop rate if anything.

Well, more Rudolphs would be ok. Rudolph is cute. I even like his brown fuzzy nose (he’s not necessarily supposed to be that Rudolph).

No, we don’t Have to spend the money, but its heartbreaking beating down a tough opponent in raids and wars, using superior steategy, in the face of bleak boards, only to have an Alby, or Mother North, that we can never seem to pull, whip our asses after regenerating multiple heroes.
Not everybody needs All the best heroes in the game. (Alby, MN, Gravy, Kunch, Guinie, Ursena, Aegir etc) but can we at least have a fair chance to get a Few of them over the course of a year?

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So, I am 21 for 21 in pulling 3* from TC20. Ouch.

You have a serious problem since you spend money on a “stupid game”. Especially if you do it “again”… Seriously, why would you spend money for something stupid?

For example, I know a lots of players who spend money for this entertaining game. But I seriously can’t understand why someone would spend “on this stupid game again” :man_facepalming:

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I am 1-140 on 5* from T20. Ouch.

I don’t have a season 2 five star yet, how much money do I gotta spend to get one before season 3 gets here

Actually you don’t money but a lot of luck with summoning. GL.

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There is no amount of money that will guarantee you a five star.
If you look here you can find how many pulls give you what odds for HoTM. I can’t remember the odds on a 5 star pull for s2 heroes off the top of my head, but this should give you some idea. If someone knows the odds, it is easy to calculate the odds for x pulls.

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This game is a rip off! Plain and simple! It preys on little kids is exactly what it is designed to do. Your gonna clean this up or I am gonna become this games worse nightmare!


I think it preys more on adults. No different to casino and slot games. The whole “the next one” and “the next one” will be “the one” to win “big”. When in reality, as with slots and gambling, the house eventually wins.