Summer Event

Go to search and look up challenge events.

Best would be watching video of a past event. Too much to explain here.

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Will do when I wake up. Thanks.

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The Guardians of Teltoc is one of the monthly events, like Fables of Grimforest. It has a yellow reflect, and three of the heroes, Jackal (yellow 4*), Falcon (red 4*), and Panther (purple 5*), are top of the line gamechangers if you can get them. They make up for the other two event 5* Kong and Owl, who are suboptimal at best.
It’s expected to be the July event, as Fables was inserted into the rotation ahead of it.

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Same… exactly the same, Jackal and Panther are exactly the 2 I would really like also. Didn’t have any luck with the Fables event summons, some of those would’ve been interesting too. Not overly excited about the sand heroes the way they look right now, though I do agree like some have said that the 3* are interesting (for 3*…). But 3* are not what I could use most.

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I dont like that they (for now) all look the same, without even the slightest hint of their element in their appearance :confused:. I like bright colours :angel:


I have that red rabbit 3*. He’s ok. Hits like a Canon of you can manage to keep him alive. For most players in the 35+ level range, he’s useful only in the rare challenges. I imagine that’s what these 3*s will be, too.

Totally underwhelmed. These heroes don’t even look like they belong in the same game. Boring names, boring look imo. First time I’m not really excited about upcoming event. Very meh overall


I wouldn’t mind getting Horse, Vizier, or Queen for my event teams, and King would likely work well as a tank for AW. The others are likely too weak to be useful for much, and even the ones I mentioned don’t look like they’re worth buying tons of gems to get.

I agree, lexinen. Horse looks good for events. I’m still fairly new to the game, which forces me to think a lot about the best use for the few rare ascension materials I have. I think Vizier is the most useful of the bunch, but I don’t know that I’d slot him ahead of Merlin and several of the standard 4 star purples unless he gets buffed.

I think I’ll save hero tokens for the event, but all my gems are going towards Guardians next month.

I usually don’t care much about the looks of the characters, but unless these ones prove to be super-powered, i will have a hard time getting over the ugly.

Maybe they will get a ‘buff’ to their art.


The art looks great. Skills on the other hand are quite boring.
Maybe something like 50% chance next hit damage done counts as healing could be a interesting skill.

How about a skill that rearranges the defenders formation!

Back of the queue Boldtusk, keep your war cry to yourself!


The queen should have a timestop as her skill

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I don’t know, the design is a bit lame. I say keep the Arabian theme and ditch the “statuesque” look, make them properly colourful.


Yep, some kind of epic animé meets aladin


That would be both hilarious and frustrating, depending on which side of the switcheroo you were on. A hero with that special ability would immediately join Alberich-damn-him in my “You die first” list

If they were on defense I guess it would only be effective against heroes that buff their immediate neighbors - Boril, Cyprian and the ever popular Creepy Friar etc, but it would be an awesome offensive skill.

You could nerf it by just swapping any two enemies, rather than tornadoing the whole formation.

It would also be a pain if you moved a glass cannon like Jackal into the tank spot, or a slow mana tank like Azlar into a corner.

I kind of like the Arabian Chess look :grin:
I’m also glad for another event like this, and hope there will be a fall one as well. They’re more rewarding than the Challenge Events (unless you place top 10).


Watching some vids from beta, I notice there’s no special tiles like ice blocks or explosive eggs. Nonetheless, I love these seasonal special events. Hopefully it will be accompanied by a calendar of daily deals.