Stuck at 3/70

I have 16 5* heros at 3/70, the last quest did not offer Damascus blades in any of the rewards. I haven’t seen blades offered in anything lately, just 1 chance to purchase with a bunch of other stuff. My suggestion is, if levelling 5* is this difficult why not make a quest or raid tourney or a war for 3/70? At least I could actually utilize more of my roster.

Hi @Maya001, welcome to the forum

General complaints about material rarity are here

Ascension materials - An appeal to quit being so stingy with them MASTER

Interesting idea, though.

How about allowing 370 5 to compete in 4* tournaments?

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I don’t level up 5* heroes until I have MOST of the mats needed to max them. I would rather have a maxed 4* hero over a 3/70 5* hero. They can be emblemed and costumed easier.
That why I have 10 5* heroes waiting at level 1-1. When I get the resources, I level only the best one.
(Vivian was the only hero I took to 3-70 without the mats needed. But she was a special case).
Remember to play the long game.


@BirdsAreReal is totally right. My biggest problem at the beginning was that I ascended all 5 stars til I realised that I benefit more from fully leveled 4 stars and 3 stars. Since then I get rewarded in tournaments, events etc. etc. continuosly with 4 star materials. When I have 9-10 of them I begin to level the best 5 star I have. Also the frustration if you don’t get the last missing material gets eliminated with this way. Less frustration → more fun :wink:

I dont think that the OP situation is that hes leveling 5* instead of 4* . I doubt if he hasnt maxed 5* too. Its my conclusion after reading that he worked on too many 5* ( i cant even dream in having 16 5* and i have been playing for 11 months)

Personally i think hes saying that he would love that damascus blades and Tactic tome drop more often.

lets ask him

@Maya001 how about your 4* roster ? do you use it?
theres a rush 4* tournament where you can use your 4* right now

D blade was earlier this month… work 3 & 4 star dumb dumb

My shortage is Tomes. I always have a few spare D.Blades (currently 8). The shortfall is different for every player. I seem to get piles of Mysterious Tonics but hardly any Rings.

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I consider the Damascus Blade and Book of Tomes part of my needed inventory, BEFORE I start leveling a 5* hero. Truth is I can level a Red 5* right now but
the red 5* I have at level 1-1 is slow And not exciting. So I am waiting for a better red.

I use 4* for 4* events, they are not particularly helpful in raids when everyone is running emblemed and costumed 5* heros. Raids are 5* and my alliance is 5* war defence. Acscension mats are more and more difficult to come by.

My alliance is fighting high emblemed 5* teams and i take them down with my 4* mono teams .
With your tought is like people without many 5* wouldnt have any option.
Its not true.
My 4* crew (around 30 maxed) keep me above 2400 . I dont face 4* teams particularly .

Yes my war defense is made of 5* but i dont have many 5* to fill all my war hits with them. That doesnt make me less competitive.

You are talking about getting mats being difficult .
Thats why if your roster is all 3/70 5* you should start using your epics . If you have at least 15 maxed 5* even tough you still will need 4* star to fill your war attacks.
What is more there are epics more useful than some 5*!. C.Rigard, Hansel, elemental def down heroes , Wilbur., proteus , costumed 4*…Please dont understimate them because they will come you really in handy :slight_smile:

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I have run mono teams because I do not have a lot of emblemed heros and have had the board not work out. An example is a red team against Telluria, have never had a successful raid using a mono red team. I get that a lot of people are happy with their 4* teams. I have tried using 4* against 5* and it was instantly unsuccessful everytime. Thanks to everyone for your constructive comments. Maybe I need to rethink game play.

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