Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

It would really help us to help you if you were to provide us something to work with.

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Some other fun posts for reference:

The top one is FIRST POST! The others are some threads created back in Nov 2019.

I’m seeing a pattern. My guess is that we’ve reached another point where “frustration level” has exceeded the “hesitation to post on the forum” threshold, so we’re seeing another round.

My last suggestion (because now I’m done with this thread): look around the forum, find the various player guides and such, and try to get better at the game, instead of blaming the game and RNG and bad luck. Because at this point, I don’t think it can be that much bad luck.

Good gaming!

I have the same suspicion, but who knows? Maybe it could be. He will never know for sure until he puts in the tiniest bit of effort and helps us to help him.

I’m always forced to wonder if they would actually even like help, if it were possible. Accepting help and finding success would mean that he was incorrect, and admission of such is often harder than accepting failure

I’m not asking for better odds. I’m asking for fair and consistent tile fall. And yes being a level 72 and having stronger teams should make it better. I played mobile strike and the stronger team always won. If I have a stronger team then yes I feel that one should have the upper hand. Not the opposite.

I have tried to post videos and with no success. Yes I record just about every attack as a training tool for my alliance. I do this to teach the newer members, who are not up to speed on the game

your questioning if I want help…really…ok you can go. I will seek help from others.

Thank you for your disrespectful comment.

My teams

I finally won a raid. I finally recieved proper tile fall. I tried to post the video. But your wonderful forum said it was not authorized. So sorry…no teaching lesson there. Thanks for your excellent assistance

Have you considered changing your playstyle? Clearly, doing mostly mono attack teams isn’t working for you. I see that 5 of the 6 teams you posted are mono teams.

Playing mono can be frustrating unless you get really proficient at clearing the board to compensate for a bad starting board. And even then, it makes your attack even more reliant on luck, because you’re only giving yourself the opportunity for 20% of the tiles to be useful to you. It is generally known as a high-risk, high-reward strategy - but by its very nature, that means if the risk doesn’t pay off, you have to be a board-savant if you expect to be successful.

If you continue to do the same thing without success, then it is probably time to take a step back and evaluate what you’re doing, look at what you could be doing differently, and try some different strategies. Because it seems pretty clear that mono might not be for you.

Good gaming!

Videos first have to be uploaded to YouTube to post here, which I created a free account specifically for. If you’re unwilling to do that, you can get some videos for anylysis to us through Line. I think it is against the new rules to post the ID here, but you can find it in some old posts…

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Without samples, this sounds like exaggeration and hyperbole.

Yes, some battles suck. Not all of them. If I repeatedly lose battles, I start looking for what can be changed in those battles, and often what can be changed is me. My heroes and my skill are not the best…but they can be improved.

What else is fixable? It’s very easy to assume the problem is “all the game’s fault,” when in my experience, that’s simply not true. :wink:

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This sounds so much like a typical political scheme.

  1. Starting boards are rigged. You never get the colour you stack.

    • No they’re not, it’s been demonstrated that they are randomly-distributed and we can show you just as many good boards as you can bad ones


  2. Starting board don’t matter, whether they’re good or bad the replacement tiles are rigged. You never get the colour you stack.

Hmmm, sounds almost like you are admitting starting boards are random and now you need to deflect to save your agenda.

BTW there was also a study that showed replacement tiles are randomly-distributed. It was undertaken by a player who was absolutely convinced they weren’t and set out to demonstrate that, but had his opinion changed by doing it.


Sometimes is random when board instantly reshuffles on start. But reshuffle doesn’t make it any better i haven’t had reshuffle on start and tile combo at same time and i don’t know if that happens will it count as turn or like tornado keeps your turn?

If you want to play 4-1 against an Azlar tank it is a good idea to take Rigard as off color healer with you.

RNG tends to even things out though so it is often not the case that the “stronger” team has the upper hand. Plus, with synergies and such it is often hard to tell which is the stronger team. You cannot tell based just on TP.


I’ll admit that I didn’t even look at your team set-ups because I was awaiting you to send me your recorded hits in line of via YouTube so that I can try to help. Now that I look at them you have amazing heroes, but several key issues that reinforce my belief that you’re not cursed and that you can be saved with a little guidance.

For starters, why in the world are you not running your VFAST heroes with at least level 11 mana troops?

Also, drop Miki and add Kiril and drop Wilbur for Boldtusk on your red.


Wilbur often is more detrimental than benefcial when it comes to raids.
For blues can you replace Isarnia with Grimm?
And do you have a hit-3 option that you can use instead of Magni, say Thorne or Rhichard? That would synergise with Athena and Frida a lot better than a sniper.

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For your yellow/purple team - can you replace your purples with anyone else? Say a Rigard and Proteus for example?
You a weak stack with a mid-level sniper and a weak multi hitter, which doesn’t make much sense to me. If your off color was support or mana control I think that would work better.
As a general comment - you can probably synergise and make your teams stronger if you replaced certain 5s with good 4s

Well, at least you should be able to run a good Titan Score with your teams.