Stones' colour distribution is NOT random - MASTER Board Conspiracy

Completely random? Okay, but by more complex algorithms dictated by degree of element representation of an offense across multiple sample sizes as opposed to the simple algorithms of a single base sample such as that dictating summon and Training Camp draws.

I’ve seen way too much uniformity across way too many variations of color stacks for the random number generation to be controlled by simple algorithms.

Seeing as everyone here seems to think that only their own personal experience counts, I’ll throw in mine from the last war. First attack against Telluria tank and red stack I get a sea of green tiles… great, fixed against me right? Next attack against Aegir with a green stack, I get another board of green tiles. Third attack against a red tank with blue stack, I still get another board favorable for green… Fourth attack against another blue tank with green stack, I get another green favorable board. I forget the remaining attacks, but the point is, I had a streak of greens for the last war. Streaks happen, and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.

OK, right. I have a few questions regarding this statement. First I wanna say though, I’m in not defending the developers in any way shape or form, I’m generally questioning the reasoning behind your theories of foul play.

So here it goes, please consider that I don’t want a mudslinging contest, I’m genuinely interested in your replies to my questions…

First of all, and to kinda repeat a question I posed earlier, do you think that the data other people collected over a significant amount of fights is false? If so, why?

Have you ever attempted to collect data over a prolonged period of time to minimise the possibility of spikes, one way or another?

If not, why do you think this is not necessary?

I’ve had tournaments, where I absolutely obliterated everything before me with my inferior teams. I also pay next to nothing for playing this game, my last purchase was an offer for 2.29 or something several months back. According to you and others I shouldn’t be getting those kind of boards, should I?

That’s it for now, looking forward to your replies.

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There was a really cool story on BBC a while ago about Spotify shuffle not being random.

Turns out it is but humans want to see patterns. We listen to 100 songs at random and then hit shuffle on it and listen to 50 random but notice 2 together that were there the last time. We then forget the previous 48 as they didn’t trigger any part of the brain and we go “this shuffle is a con, it’s just the same order again”

And then the brain tricks us into thinking we see a pattern when there isn’t even that. We want to bring order to chaos it seems and we try to do this subconsciously.

So you get 3 boards similar and you forget the previous 50. It must be against you, it can’t possibly be random. But that’s how random works…sometimes it’s very similar but different. We just don’t like that.


The thing is; it’s not only three times for one person, it is happening to thousands of people. If occurence happened once or twice while stacking, people would not be pointing it out. It’s happening consistently. If SG claimed that the boards are no random, then noone would be complaining and pointing the deception out. You are absolutely right, there might be repetition in randomness, but the occurrence is not consistent.

I colour stack too and I get bad boards and awesome boards.

Are people keeping a log of millions of boards? I haven’t read the whole thread but you need a lot more than a few thousand to ascertain if RNG is working or not.

I play dice games and I can tell you that over a game a roll of a D6 can be brutal. You might need a 4+ for example and you roll a dice 10 times and never get it. The dice must be broken right? No it’s not. We know this because dice have been rolled and recorded on millions of rolls. In the end it will roll a 4+ half of the time. It’s just that if you looked At say 1000 in a section it might only happen 25% of the time or 75% of the time.

Like I said. You brain wants to believe it’s not random and see a pattern where there isn’t one.

If there’s a million consecutive boards shots I’d be interest to know if a computer program could tell you the randomness at work but that’s a lot of effort to see if your match-3 game hates you…

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So you are claiming there are thousands of people who feel that the game is rigging the board against them for varying reasons.

This thread has ~1,4k replies, let’s assume half are claiming their boards are rigged. That’s only 700 posts. From, let’s, generously, say probably around 350 people.

That’s populist hyperbole and I don’t like it. So I’m calling you out on it.

Don’t think I’m right? Thousands of people think I am.

See the problem with that?

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This is only but one thread. Anyone that voices concerns about this issue gets attacked and moves on avoiding confrontation. Not to mention the post that the system deletes. Thus, I am sticking with my number and statement. The colour distribution is not random.

Because no one can tell you different than you know. Good for you.

I think there is a fundamental difference in what you’re describing as being attacked and what is actually happening.

What I think is happening is, that people are questioning the basis of your allegation. They then go to actually test it in statistically significant way. Their results show something entirely different. They share their results.

That’s the scientific method. State a hypothesis and then go to test it in a meaningful way. Then share the results for peer review.

What I see happening on a more regular basis is people who sharing sources to the tests people have done being ignored.

I will ask you the same question I did in another post further up:

What do you think?

It could be false, or it could be true. Who’s to say the numbers are fudged or not.

I did make an attempt for a short period. Time consuming. I can tell you whenever I stack, my stone colour are scarce and far from each other.

Why do you think is that? Why do lose to an inferior team? Why someone at 42 level has 4184 team power? Is that person grinding or buying themselves up? Would statistical data make a difference in that person’s case?

Um… I’ve seen players below level 40 with TP over 4400. Probably quite a bit of spending going on there, but also a lot of grinding - likely these players bought a bunch of 5* heroes early on and only focused on leveling up one rainbow team, probably grinding lots of low level quests that don’t yield much in XP.

I lose to inferior teams sometimes. I also sometimes beat superior teams.

It can definitely seem like you never get the right tiles when you color stack. But I’ve also had situations where I stacked and got a bunch of tiles in that color.

I suppose you could try to argue that SG is just giving me good boards because I defend them…


Nothing could be further from the truth. Probably at least 80% of my posts on here are actually critical of the company and how they run the game.

And I will admit - there’s no way to know for sure whether the RNG is broken or not, or whose data is more accurate, etc. Based on my own anecdotal experience after roughly 20 months of playing the game? Sometimes the boards hate you and give you all the wrong colors on purpose… just to screw with you. Other times it’s the opposite. Really depends on the day.

There are lots of things to complain about in this game. And I’m not going to claim to know for a fact that the raid boards are completely randomly generated. I’m just saying that I’ve had enough boards work out in my favor to essentially counteract most of the ones that didn’t.

And you can say “that’s nice for you, but not the same for me”… quite possible. Just like some people come on here and say “I spend $0 on the game and I’ve gotten every single HotM”… yeah, well, nice for you, but not the same for me. We all have different strokes of luck, I guess. :man_shrugging:

Scroll up to Zathrus’ excellent comment four days ago. He/she is right, the beta issue is conclusive proof that the boards are based on random seeds and in no way influenced by hero choice. Case closed. Sharing screenshots of individual boards is not proof of anything, except an ignorance of statistics.


OT… It reinforces the notion of why SG motive to control the board.

Some foul language, but very funny, I couldn’t stop laughing but felt very sorry for the guy.

I have already written why I consider those studies biased: because it is not known which heroes were in the profile under which the investigation was carried out. If it has many heroes of the month or heroes of events, then such research is immediately into fire, because strong players the game gives 70% of good boards. We had one player in the alliance who constantly bought crystals and often made х10 calls. And he ON ALL wars and ON ALL Titans always took the first place, though his level is not much higher than mine!
Did you write that the prosecutor should provide evidence? I will disappoint you: recently in the USA and other countries there has been a practice when innocent people are accused of a crime, and they have to prove that they are innocent! Remember when Russian athletes were suspended from participation in the Olympic Games because of doping! They were all told they were guilty whether they took doping or not, with no one providing direct evidence! And then every athlete had to prove he was innocent! However, when American athletes were caught doping, none were suspended! Do you know what the reason is? Because they took it by accident! Or because these athletes are from the United States, that is “untouchables”!
And since the game was bought by the American company Zynga, by the established tradition we do the same: we all accuse the developers that the boards are not random, that stronger players get much more good boards than weaker ones! Motive? Very simple: that weak players more often lose stronger, which is a wonderful motive to buy crystals for calling heroes in large numbers! The whole game is now built only on money: who invested more money, bought more crystals and called for good heroes, he gets more good boards!
And let Zynga prove his innocence!

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They are lying and they are still defending it here, I wanted to cook that maybe it’s really a coincidence, but not by mistake, what they told me in the second thread is also stupid, there is no 20% plus to the attack and the rules apply only to those who do not. The same heroes I have don’t do what they do when the opponent has them plus paid heroes. Attack power is 60% lower and emblems work 50% less. In short, a factor other than chance must come into play.

The same goes for recovery, it will recover without problems 4 or more times, I also have heroes who will recover but max once once why? it is a strange coincidence that I have never come to life more than once and someone even 6 times during the whole time. I’ll take the statistic so 2a more times per 1000 games 0 and. That means 0%. 2 to 5% are written for HEROES and where are they? When an opponent’s 3 rounds can revive one heroes even 8 times. Interesting coincidences and there is a coincidence that it always happens only for players where it is clear that they have to pay enough. So I ask, how do I feel about that? Then you are surprised that playing thinks it’s not a coincidence.

Despite what the staff has said, there’s more that probably is up for interpretation. The tile color distribution is more likely dictated by complex algorithms that is still random but also randomly generated more selectively based on hero element choice in an offense.

Instead of using a simple random number generator off a large single sample size as we see used in the Summon portals, it is more likely that the puzzle boards and tile color distribution is based on multiple random number generators from multiple large (yet smaller than with simple RNGs) sample sizes. Thus, tile color distribution in puzzle boards is both random and not random.

It would seem we’d be more likely to hear from folks NOT getting great boards than those indeed getting great boards…

For every bad board, someone else is likely getting a great one.

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Deception and lies. If SG came and honestly said that the board distribution is quasi random, people would not be having this discussion.