Standard please-help-me-pick-who-to-ascend thread

I have yet to finish a legendary event. Proteus and Kiril are definite at this point. Thank you!


Consider it an investment for the months to come :grin: Like if you had bought a PC games with all extensions at once. If you play it a few times, investment was not worth it. But if you stay and play for a year or 2 or more, it was worth it :grin:
If the investment you made make you enjoy E&P more, i think it was a good one :wink:

Have fun :grin: and don’t be afraid to @ me if you have any more questions!

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Hey, it’s your money, you decide how to spend it! Just underlining that you have quite a lot of great heroes to work on, so doing more pulls wouldn’t be a great idea at the moment. Proteus, Wilbur, BT, Hansel, Wu, Rigard, are all corner stones for any player’s roster, no matter how advanced. As for 5*, you already have a great team taking shape there, as soon as you’ll get the ascension mats. Ares will make a great tank and you have three different color snipers. That’s already almost a rainbow defense team perfectly able to keep you in diamond arena overnight. Ascension materials is what you now need!


Thank you. You’ve all been so kind and helpful.

Haha, ok. I’ll go with the investment thought process! I know I’ll stick around. I haven’t played any game since final fantasy X on PS2 because I have issues stopping. So this is this first game over picked up in years. I love the strategizing aspect of it. I don’t care about winning at all, just having fun :slightly_smiling_face:

I can @ people and summon them?! That’s so cool! I will keep that in mind. Thank you!

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Proteus can be a game changer but he can also be fragile… so I would get a good healer like Rigard first and then you can colour stack

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Thanks. I wasn’t upset with you. I’m upset with myself. And you’re right.

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Ok. I’m going to wait until Proteus is at 3-60. If, by then, I can’t ascend both, I’ll toss a coin :wink:

It is so easy to get caught up in the excitement of pulls that you lose track of the costs. You are definitely not alone in doing that. I’ve managed to avoid it so far. Best plan going forward if you want to continue spending is set a monthly budget and stick to it.


Yep. Got a prepaid card attached to Google Play lol. Just in case. I can’t go over $20 a month.

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You can ascend if you have materials. And it takes a long time to get them.
So, you can have all the heroes of the game, but if you can’t ascend them they’re just pictures.

For example, I do titans and alliance wars: at some point I decided just to focus on having 6 heroes per color maxed, because it pays off to have a large roster in war. So, I put aside all 5s, which require tons of time and materials to upgrade, to fully ascend my 4s. When I will finish them, I will complete two 3s rainbow teams for events and only then I will work on my benched 5s.

This (hopefully) will also allow me to gather all the materials needed for the big guns.

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You are correct. I understand why I’m in this position. I’m not trying to collect everyone. I didn’t know what I was doing for a while, wanted maybe four heros, and ended up with, well, you saw them.

That being said, I can’t guarantee that I’ll not do a pull for Mother North :wink:

I’m trying to focus on helping my alliance.

I’m adding a disclaimer to my OP.

Better to be lucky than unlucky. You have lots of heroes to work on now. There are many players who spend lots and get nothing.


I know. I did spend $200 then VIP. Now I just do VIP and have a $20/month budget. And even with that number, I understand that I’m still lucky. I feel bad about all of it. I’ve read about people spending thousands and getting no five star heroes. It’s not fair that I should get five free HOTM. If there were a barter system, I’d use it to trade/gift many of these heroes.

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Don’t worry, I think most people went through that. You just have to put the pieces of the puzzle together and then act accordingly.

Basically, this game requires two things: loads of patience and a plan. With these two, you’ll get the results you want and a very nice roster.

I’m not doing much more pulls either… as I have already more than enough heroes to work on. And also, having the best heroes is not a guarantee of winning. It is much better (and more satisfying) to work with what you have, find the good combinations and sinergies among heroes.

Little note: collect epic hero tokens (the gold coins) and use them on Seasonal Events (Springvale, Sand Empire, Morlovia, Christmas). That way you’ll have a chance to pull one or more heroes of the event for free.
This can’t be done with more recurring events (Atlantis, Fables of Grimforest, Knights of Avalon, Guardians of Teltoc), you can get heroes from these events just by spending gems.


Thanks. I’m working on the plan now. I’ve had about 45 epic tokens, (used all but five, though), and right now I’m saving them up for when a HOTM I may want comes along.

I definitely want to work with who I have for the time being. I did a ten pull during Guardians. That’s where I got four Melandor. But no guardians lol.

I’m not here to win or beat anyone. I just like my alliance and the social aspect. I have fun. I’ll never be in the top 100 and that’s fine with me :slightly_smiling_face: I honestly just want to help my alliance because they’re really nice to me.

I wish the EHT worked for events. Why don’t they make a legendary token for those? That would be nice! I’m saving gems mostly for more slots/teams and to skip timers on boxes. My alliance really helped me to be more patient.

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That is a really good position to be in. A good, supportive alliance is a bonus in the game and can really help you along.

I was pretty newb when I joined my alliance and learned a lot just by being in it. Now I try to pass that learning along.

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Don’t listen to any criticism about excessive pulls. If you did them and enjoyed (well, as much as you can enjoy random pulls) them and can afford them, they aren’t excessive FOR YOU.

Most people complaining about such things are either jaded or jealous or both.

Do the best YOU you can, and ignore background noise.

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Kiril into Grimm into any other sniper is a powerful 1.2.3 punch. Even more so if it’s a blue sniper like Magni.

I run Mono teams, and have been to #1 overall a few times, and routinely spend time in the top 100.

Since I failed to pull Ariel and only got Magni very recently, emblemed Kiril and Grimm have been staples on my blue mono A team for months. Along with the others on the team, they can take down any Green tanked team in the game.

You won’t go wrong with them.

For reference, this is my mono blue team. It’s my weakest colour, but still has around an 85 percent win ratio in high diamond


@Halifax What path did you do down for Grimm’s talent grid? And the same for Kiril?

Yeah, I found a couple bad ones at first and then this really nice woman invited me to her alliance and she’s helped me so much. I posted here only because I know I probably annoy them with all my questions haha. But to their credit, they always answer, and they after always right. They have helped save me money and given me something that I enjoy to do. I was in a sort of negative loop before this game. It gives me something more positive to focus on, and my alliance is wonderful. And thank you for passing on what you know. Everything helps. This forum is awesome :slightly_smiling_face: