[ Squad OF war ] Official Recruitment Thread


squad OF war [ s 0 w ] is an alliance that I just created for this game and are currently recruiting.

A majority of us are veterans, having served in the U.S military at some point in our lives. I myself joined the U.S Marines in 2005. Having been a successful team since 2001 when I started [ s0w ] in Ghost Recon for XBOX, GHOST Recon Island Thunder, Counter-Strike, Halo, and Call of Duty. We originated when I joined the military after highschool and have made appearances at MLG ( Major League Gaming ) events.

And so we begin our journey here with this game as well. All we ask is for loyal and dedicated individuals. Again, I cant stress enough that all we require are active users. We have been around for what feels like forever!


  • Anyone who is a c t i v e, unlike most alliances, we are an alliance who understands we all have a life outside of gaming.

  • We are an equal opportunity team meaning we accept gamers from all creeds, race, gender, and religions.

  • English speaking preferred but open to non english speaking individuals.

We have a website with a team roster for all the games our team actively had a presence in. We are a respected team, well known across all platforms ( XBOX, Playstation, and PC ) I myself am a Graphic Designer and all members accepted will receive a Forum Signature Image custom to their names so that when you post, you will have a pretty awesome image in your signature that will let people know who you are and that you are a PART of something bigger than yourselves. Sort if like when you receive your dogtags in the military. You are a part of a family, you are part of [ s 0 w ] squad OF war and your voice, your opinion , and your lives inside and outside of this game matters! All members accepted are entitled to a spot on our team in any other platform our team has a presence in regardless of skill level.

Should you decide to open a chapter in another game all you have to do is register a team on our website. Once approved, I will create a page on our website for you and the squad you are leading in the game you’re operating in. In our overall team roster, you will be promoted to an Officer. Officers in [ s 0 w ] are team members that are the team leaders in their respective game. For example, “TeamMember1” wants to create a squad for Grand Theft Auto 5, and it was approved. I will edit our overall team roster and by “TeamMember1” 's gamertag in the roster will look something like this -

GamerTag // TeamMember1
Game // GTA5
Fire Team Size // 12

The rank by your name (CAPTAIN) let’s everyone on our team across all the platforms know that you’re running a team for a game our team plays in. The fireteam size let’s us know how many members are on the team you are running. We are currently active in 6 different games across all platforms ( xbox, playstation, and PC )

Gamertag // oleM
Rank // Commondant
Game Ps4 // CoD BlackOps 2
Game PC // World of Warcraft
Game Cell // Empires & Puzzles

If you are interested in joining us, drop a message here in this post and join us in the game.

Username: oleM
Alliance: squad OF war [ s 0 w ]

Thank you and I look forward to knowing more of you all soon.


If you are reading this and looking for a team, look no more. Regardless of skill-level, trophies, or level of activeness we are recruiting any and all that are looking for a home. Now space is limited so we do ask for some level of commitment by being active and actively participating but we also know that we all have lives’ outside of gaming so we like to keep that in mind. Join us, and we will invite you to our official websites team forum so that you an alternate communication tool to keep in touch with us outside of the games chat. You’ll also have the opportunity to communicate with the teams other members consisting in total over 100 members expanding from XBOX, Playstation and PC in the other games our team has a presence in. We are currently active in an MLG tournament for call of duty where our team is ranked top 50 and has been invited to California to participate in the event.