The Redneck War Machine

We have 3 spots open for players of any level, but we take pride in teaching newer players the ins and outs of the game. We are currently hitting 7/8* titans. If you are new to the game and not sure what is the best way to grow your base and your heroes quickly, or if you’ve been playing for a while and just want a fun, friendly, active alliance, come check us out. The door is always open, no trophy requirements, no hero/team requirements, no pressure, no b.s. War is optional, but we encourage all of our members to participate. The only thing we really ask for is effort, and some communication when members can’t be active for a few days. Line ID is samz412, Discord is Samz#6953.

We currently have 4 spots open, players of all levels welcome. We are still hitting 7/8* titans, and we leave all of our war flags on the battlefield. It is a great group of active people, but not always super chatty. Using Line as our main form of communication. The door is always open, stop in and say hi. You don’t have to be a redneck to join, and we speak English and German. All we ask is for a little communication if you won’t be active for a couple of days.

One spot left, why not check it out? Levels range from 50 to 10, so don’t worry about fitting in. You don’t have to be a superstar, and if you are a superstar you surely don’t have to carry the team. Most of our crew has been together for over 6 months, and the majority of us started in the alliance at level 4. I can’t say enough good things about our group. Tell them Sammy sent ya!!

We are currently looking for 4 members, defense team of 3200+ is preferred but not required. We are still ok taking on newer players but it has to be active, daily players. Line ID samz412, Discord Samz#6953.

Come on you Sally’s! Come join a group of Rednecks and enjoy a laid back but very active alliance. We have a good time and encourage one another. Many experienced players that can help you get to the next level. If you aren’t a Redneck that’s ok too :grin:. Just looking for a few active players to help us grow.
Have any questions or comments please feel free to ask.
The boss is very helpful with helping to set up teams for different situations. Have a bit of a war strategy but nothing intense.

We currently have 5 spots open, and we are welcoming players of any level. Currently hitting 7* titans, war is optional but encouraged. If nothing else we are a great place to get started, we are pretty good at helping newer players and free to play players grow their accounts as quickly as possible. Why not give us a shot? You might just like us!