🐰 Springvale 2020: Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links – Starts April 6

Finish the advanced last stage with this team in first attempt .

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I beat Advance L20 with only 4-star classic heroes, though admittedly I did use a Costumed Rigard instead of the ordinary one. I tried using my 4-star healer farming team but that got nowhere, even with carpet bombing. The Riposte team worked well since both Roostley and Killhare are wide Area of Effect (AoE) hitters. It took about 3 SS shots from each of them to suicide on my riposte.



Another Springvale Guide (Bosses HP included, in case someone need to know)


Last stage of Advanced Mode. Lots of nuking, and a gem continue. Whatever ailments Sir Roostley and Killhare are supposed to have after the special they more than make up for with their attacks.


Last stage done, used only 3 mana potion.

use from left to right

Ranvir : attack bonus
Lady of the Lake : black the mana
Black Knight : he absorbs attacks and the eggs’ explosions → never got hit. I use the mana potion on him

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Last advanced stage done, used around 5 small manas and 3 bombs for attack debuff.
Telluria 3/55 (got her last tonic)
C.Melendor 4/70
Boril +4
C.Boldtusk 4/70
Wu Kong +4.

It was like riposte team posted above, but slightly easier due to Telly’s minions.

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Ka-boooooooooom (WTF?!)


I don’t understand? Even I use lvl 10+ mana troops (EDIT: actually 9 and 11). Who wouldn’t?

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I am leveling Boril just for this. Thx for the video

It’s obvious you missed the point, since you’re referring to 4star troops. Go read the post i responded to first.

You’re welcome, you will find that the riposte heroes are all very useful for quests. I’ve even managed to beat the last stage of Atlantis on Hard mode w/ 3 healers, Cyprian and Boril. It takes nearly perfect game play but it does work.


Thanks to this thread. I didn’t think of using reposte otherwise.

Kirill+5, Elena, Buddy, Cyprian, Lady Woolerton+10

Kirill died at the end, but just because I didn’t keep an eye on him and didn’t heal him.

Lady Woolerton worked greatly with her high healing rate and fast mana speed. Since cleaning was not an issue, she was better than Vivica.

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My team for final advanced level:
Kiril, Obakan, Boldtusk, Boril, Proteus (minor mana, mana, super mana, bombs).
Pretty easy with full health to the end. I don’t have Cyprian, but I suspect he would be even better - have two healers and cover as many with counterattacks.

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Just a minor thing (just an occasion to write a post actually.): putting Obakan next to Boril looks like a not optimal as Boril set reposte for neighbors and Obakan has the same ability for itself. So, theoretically, Kiril, Boldtusk, Boril, Proteus, Obakan would be more “effective” as it provided reposte effect to one more hero.

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You’re right, I’ve ordered by function, not as they were in battle, fixed :slight_smile:

My team for advanced: Seshat, Rigard, BK, Wu Kong, Telluria.
Rigard and Wu got knocked out by Rooster, but the other 3 were able to finish him.

[quote=“suntanglory, post:18, topic:170060”]
The eggs deal high damage (140-180 depending on a hero)
[/quote] Yes and they seem to blow up on advanced levels before you can line 3 up. Very frustrating! How to counter this?

Yes! Folks try to complete everything in a day. There were multiple events going on at the start of Springvale. Wonderland ended first so focus should be there as this lasts much longer

Agree! What’s the rush? I love MATlantis and that is where I choose to use my saved WE flasks. Just do several levels per day near the end, as Advanced does have higher WE flag costs.

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Is it just me or is the last level obscenely hard?