Just give me hulda or arco… those… would make me so very happy.
Hulda probably isnt one year old
edit : probably same with arco
@Cerevan_the_Omni now you go check if Quenell was 1 year old.
She wasnt?
Well, that would be good news, since there is chance for newer heroes
She was released in October 2021, so not 1 year old when she appeared in SE. So technically C-Alasie is also possible and likewise Hulda as well. Most of heroes seem to be older than 1 year though.
I would welcome C-Alasie in a heartbeat for 20! Tried 3 times to catch her in portal when she was featured with no sucess
Not so appeasing as the SE previous edition but I would still get Heimdall
I don’t have any good reviver besides Anton
But in my opinion The Hatter would be offered at 15 souls tier next edition
It’d be great to have soul exchange every month to help with roster size and greater choice. I didn’t get one last time as none were good enough IMO (or duplicates of what I have) and my roster is now packed. Every month would let people use it when they have enough and still maybe wait one month for some heroes to change
Or SGG could allow us to have one pick for each tier if have enough heroes
Example: one person with 35 dupes could make two choices, one from 2nd tier and one from 3rd.
The question is: who can get 35 souls in a quarter of an year? Few people
So SGG could sell more tokens for 5*
Maybe it could open every month for one exchange per person, but keep the same list for three iterations?
Or open each month but only one tier is updated each time? So that each tier remains for three iterations, but one month there are new 10 souls heroes, the next has new 15 souls heroes, then 20.
So the number of individual heroes offered across a year is the same, but players can exchange more and there’s something new every month.
Although it seems like SG are hesitant to allow people to do that many exchanges. Not that it affects me much, I’ve done one so far and have enough for an exchange in December.
I’ve been lucky lately picking up senan nyx chomper and Matilda… So my needs from August are much different than they are now… So as my needs get more narrow… The heroes i really want narrow in kind… But i really don’t want to wait until February. So i hope for the unlikely.
I think heim is worth 15 heroes. I need an over healer and a resurrector… But since Xnolphod was destroyed… I don’t like slow heroes the way i did prior to the Nerf.
But… And this is a guess… He might be in the next fated portal… There are only so many s3 heroes to put in there… And i think frigg/odin would get the nod over him as far as those held back…
Skadi being available in the fated stresses me a bit… Because i could have gotten her essentially for free rather than throwing 20 to get her… But she has been worth every penny/hero…
I agree. Slow heroes don’t have the same impact without Xnolphod. I’ve had been a better time against heroes like Khufu
It’s really a good idea refrain from get old HOTM and S3 heroes from SE in order to wait forfated summon refresh list
boas alguém pode confirmar quando é câmbio de almas?
December 12th, 2022
0700 UTC
We’ll have a lot of guessing lists and discussions until there.
It’s always fun
IMO heimdall is not a good reviver. He is a good hero, but if you are relying on his revive you will be generally disappointed. Costume heimdall is a good reviver
thats unless you face him in war and the he revives about 50% of the time. I’ve seen him revive a whole team in the same raid on back to back specials
Exactly. And so if we accept that the stated percentage is an average and that the real number is higher for the defense (and consequently lower for use in offense), then you are looking at less than 10% revive in attack.
I second, third and fourth this idea.
Actually came to post this exact thing.
With all the new hero families going on, just the new 3 stars and 4 stars are taking up much space, not to mention HOTM duplicates, needs more space relieve SE activities.
Couldn’t even keep a 2nd copy of waddles due to space limitation