If you watch the clip and observe carefully I fired my mana controllers (cupido & hohenwerf) on all heros except G Hippo…
So basically Hippo is allowed to perform what written on his card but not other heros as they’re already controlled by cupido/hohenwerf…
So its suggestive that they are not casting their own special skills on any other enemies when their mana is full rather they will caste mindless heal THAT IS NOT THEIR SPECIALS ITS MY HERO’S SPECIAL ON OFFENCE!!
So if they’re not firing their special skill then how and why G Hippo dealing damage on enemy?
Staff members kindly provide valid answer or clear the confusion Thank you🙂
When they are affected by mindless heal/attack, their original special skills are replaced by a new special skill as their special skill for the duration of the effect.
Thus, they cast their (new) special and Hippo gets triggered.
The same reason results in Lord Loki copying the mindless special, when he is targeting such an affected enemy.
Okay, first, you realise G.Hippo is female right?? NOt saying that they can’t use he/him pronouns but until the express such a wish can we stick to calling Hippo she?
Secondly, as most have said, this works as intended. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember. Mindless attack becomes the hero’s special. Fun fact, it can also trigger a heores passive if it is linked to them casting their special skill.
Thirdly, You’ve probably never seen 121% attack on DiaoChan before becuase you’ve never looked. Obviously, if you hadn’t realised that MIndless attack replaces the special skill for any hero inflicted with it. It is not new. I do wonder if you are though
One is mindless heal (cupido)
One is mindless attacker (alfrike)
Two different specials and the benifits goes to hippo it’s is may be word play on cards about mindless skills …
Those 2 mindless skills is to stop using their orignal special it is no where written they should get replaced…
The obvious answer has been given before, working as intended. It´s not a bug in this special case, it works that way in every case where mindless is involved and triggering skills. No matter if it´s Hippo/becky or Loki or Passives (like Faiez cleansing on mindless) etc.
Now the fact that you don´t like the way it works is very different and also of course completely understandable. you can argue that, as well as wording with SG as long as you like, I will sympathize, but your chances of success are not great.
I hope staff member or developer gives the right answer to it…
Coz it’s just us (players) who are molding words written on card and understanding personally…
You’ve been given the right answer and you also seem to be one of the few players who are somehow confused by this. Not really sure where, how or why the confusion is there for you but at least now you know.