[SOLVED] Incorrect Spring Offer (Apr 15, 2021) MASTER

This really makes me wonder why I continue to put up with low ascension material odds, low summon odds, painfully slow food/iron accumulation, and continuing legendarily bad customer service and response to their own mistakes. It’s like I am paying them for my own suffering. This really could be the nail in the coffin for me as this issue has caused all the others to come back in full force and I can’t bring myself to log in to the game now.


Not true. They took gems back before.

This is just unacceptable.
I mean not the human error. You perfectly know that a huge food amount like that IS a game balancing breaker.
If it’s not, why’d you removed it?
Come on…


The conduct practiced is definitely unacceptable.

There are 20 boxes, which you can’t get even in 06 months or more.

You have created a complete discrepancy.

The only correct options to be taken would be to remove the items from the buyers or return with the offer to everyone.

You were completely unfair to 99% of the players.

If Apple doesn’t accept devolution, you need to open the offer again.

Don’t keep your nonsense decision.


This is some freaking bulk crap. You penalize us enough with not giving out loot correctly (often not matching in the loot to the number of chests at end of level) and now this. You all plan these way in advance and to do this is as wrong as “fixing” already paid for heroes.

Just cheating us and cheating us. I’m getting fed up


You are unright. If you bought it, you make a purchase contract with SG. You bought it and they accept it. After this there isn’t a possibility to revocation.

You are right it is a contract but they sure as heck have done it.

I apologize for the mistakes. I don’t get angry when I spend money on summons and don’t get 5 * heroes. BUT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE !!! Why can’t I buy the same share as other players ??? They got an advantage …


Small Giant when you DISCRIMINATE against other time zone players because they did not even have a chance to make the decision to buy such offer you consider it ok? I must say please place food back and let other players to make that decision that are located on different time zones as well. Or World of online gaming still lacks laws so you take advantage of it and do whatever you want once again? I want such offer but I did not have a chance to get it because I’m on a different time zone.


I have players threatening to quit the game in my family alliances for the unfair advantage given to those able to purchase offer before SG pulled it away from others…shame on you SG!!


I know what you mean. It just gets more ridiculous. I don’t pay for an outfit, take it home to have an employee from the store show up at my home and say oh you need to give this part back bc we changed the design.

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1 :star2: on Playstore & AppStore reviews are coming…



Lol no cause if food is offered im buying regardless. Me needs it!! Lol

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And I think this is what they deserve for doing such discrimination for the one who didn’t get the chance to purchase (not to get for free) the offer…


I havent even bought the 30 dollar deal cause I’m so pissed off and i normally jump on deals.


I have the advantage and I say also, that is typical for this game. They make, what they want! They have to give everybody the chance to get this special offer!

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Looks like it’s time to find something more productive to do with my time (and money). I’ll give SG a couple days to make this right, but if this decision stands as is, I’ll be uninstalling.


This decision to allow some players to have an unfair advantage over others might be the tipping point. Wheres the fairness and integrity of the game by only allowing a small percentage of players access to game changing items? If anyone needed a nudge to stop playing this money pit of a game, you just did it SG.


Well, i should call myself lucky, i got it. When a saw it it was like: nice present! At least once some really good offer. Anyhow, i do not see the so much unbalance towards the ones that haven’t bought the offer in time. I mean Now i produce 1716960 daily + plus the raids, which is another million or so. 10 mill of food would make for some 3 days, taking up the troops takes years, so not a big thing there. What is the disappointing part is not this, a mistake is a mistake - the game goes on, but nerfing heroes/broken heroes that do not work as expected. 40 mil of food does not make the difference at all, considering you actually can use it, you would need the troops to feed, heroes to level up and so on… Who buys the offers will always buy them so some discount there, for the c2p it’s 10 days of patience.


Enjoy :joy::rofl: