[SOLVED] Inconsistent Atlantis Coin Drops Using Loot Tickets (4 Dec: Coins Disabled for the Current AR Event)

I assume one of the difference is in pre-disabling, the number is substracted by the number of coins we already receive during the event.

That is why some players like me who already get fair ammount of coins despite using stack of tickets do not get the 1st batch.

Nb: In my calculation, I should get 172 but I already reveive 181 during the event… that means I already receive 9 more than normal rate despite using the bugged ticket stacking … so I didn’t miss any coins pre-disabling :sweat_smile:

Lol best support help there is :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I contacted them because i didn’t received the 2nd batch.
They just refer me to the page where they published the problem issue…
This loop is gonna take while i guess…

I feel the need to share my pleasent experience with the support provided about this. Somebody looked at my case, got the right data, and nicely responded. I believe it’s important to share positive things as well. Cheers! :slight_smile:


:rofl: I didn’t even notice the “issue” because I was so focused on farming for backpacks…

that said, I appreciate the efforts to receive Atlantis coins after the system glitch was discovered - an effort SG didn’t have to make.

For the record, I have two accounts, and for each account used over 3k we flags and 400 loot tix. At the end of the day, I feel like the Atlantis coins I received (over 300 per account) were generous, and more than what I normally receive (though I don’t know this as fact).

FYI I contacted support with my issues above (one compensation when probably should’ve had two, and overall 20% lower atlantis coins per world energy this month after compensation) . Their response was a stock one- referencing this forum thread noting it was a problem that had been resolved. That is disappointing but not unexpected as I am sure they are inundated with requests right now. Luckily I took a screenshot before I closed the message because it self-destructed immediately after I read it. And previously when I contacted support, messages were also sent to my email, this time they were not.

This all seems intentionally dodgy.

Well of course this is SGG the shadiest of shady companies! :+1:

“Donations”. It’s like they’re trying to ■■■■ off all affected players with those official messages :joy: Anyway, I’ve also received, oops sorry, SG graciously ‘donated’ me 6-7 coins from the buggy event they created. I expected nothing less from them. Generosity and PR ability to the max.

Sarcasm aside, I stopped playing right after I read in the forum (not in the link they provided ingame) that they got rid of seahorses in this event because what’s the point. Without Atlantis rewards or any rewards this game is just glorified Candy Crush but with less maps.

I’m not even mad at SG to be honest, I’m just being annoying on purpose cuz I know there’s a lot of people in the forum who will justify SG’s actions no matter what and say we all should be grateful devs did something about Isn’t it their job to fix bugs like the Atlantis one though? Players don’t receive any of the money they make with these monthly events, do we?

But yes, ig I’m grateful for the fun this game provides. I feel bad for the people who buy tickets and gems every month tho. I bet those guys are hella pissed right now.

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Just making known that support eventually did review my individual case but no clear response why I only received one in-game mail for loot ticketing when seadragons were active when should’ve received two (the second one being in the ballpark of 80-100 coins for levels played after seadragons were disabled.) I think other experienced players here are reporting the same.

[Mod edit to remove support messages per #forum-rules]

@mhalttu - ideas?

I think they’re applying a “net coins” approach…

So essentially they are taking the total number of Atlantis coins gained during AR div the WE used/ stage runs or whatever.

If you’re short, you get more coins (in your case +20). If you’re above then you don’t get any more coins.

Does that make sense?

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I think we’ve found via staff posts and what we’ve sent me personally that their method was something like this:

Mail 1: For the time period before disabling unique enemies (seadragons), they count how many levels you played with loot tickets then compensate the difference between the expected value from Atlantis Coins per world Energy for those levels and the amount you actually received for those levels. For me, they said I received 97 coins from loot ticket use and should’ve been 117, so 20 atlatnis coins were received in my mailbox → Cool. I don’t track loot ticket usage, only total World energy and net Atlantis coins so I have no way to prove or disprove that, but it seems like a legitimate amount.

Mail 2: Sent to players who played the levels normally or used loot tickets after seadragons were disabled. My main issue that I never received a second mail. Yet played 300-500 World energies after seadragons were disabled (9 flasks * 51 WE). All players who played more than two Atlantis levels after disabling should’ve received a second mail.

Mail 3 “Final”: They found something amiss with either method used for mail 1 or 2 and recalculated.

For me, they were well below averages even with the +20 coins:

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Uhmmm… I hate to Alberich this thread, but am I experiencing the lack or absence of Atlantis Coins again in this Atlantis Rising using loot tickets? I hope I am the only one experiencing it.


Same here…3 refills+looticketing: 0 Seadragons

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Oh, man. I dunno if I like the delayed Atlantis Coin “rewarding” since these coins can be used summoning heroes. Out of the current 4 legendaries featured, I only need and want Ursena. I have the rest. Now I hesitate using flasks and loot tickets again until somebody can show that they obtained those coins using loot tickets.

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I’ve used 12 tickets so far and got 6 coins. :woman_shrugging:



Thank you so much for that info. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I guess my initial hunch was wrong.


So…only my bad luck…luckily!:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Ha !!!

After 4 WE refills and almost 100 loot tickets, I finally got 3 atlantis coins.

My observations:

Last month I went through something like 28 flasks (53 WE). Only maybe 30-40 loot tickets total. Received just shy of 200 coins in email from SGG from the bug. Don’t believe it was tied to loot tickets.

Have seen a couple dozens autoplay farm runs with 0 coins, and also received over 40 coins in less than a half hour. Like everything in this game, it is horrendously streaky.